Chapter 5 // Drunk people have the most fun or have they?

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The weekend had finally come and me and Lacey screamed out of happiness as we ran through the halls when the final bell rang. It had been a tough week with lots of homework (and for not talking about our field day incident the other day) so it felt very good to have the whole weekend ahead of us.

"Isn't your dad still in San Diego? You should throw a party!" Lacey said enthusiastically, because she absolutely loved to throw parties. Every time someone asked her for help with a party, it was like they told her she had won the lottery or something.

"I don't know.. I mean, I've never had a party before. What if my dad finds out?" I said hesitantly.

"He won't! He's on the other side of the country! Cooome oon it would be so much fun." She said while jumping around like an energetic squirrel.

"Fine." I said, "but I have one condition. Don't drink." I said sternly, looking her in the eyes.

"We'll see." Was her answer, before strutting away.

What have I agreed to?

I walked up to my locker to get a few books. The halls were filled with people laughing and talking and it made it hard to pass through, even though people often made space when they saw me; I was Cole's and the boys' best friend and therefore I should be treated with respect. 

Like they were some kind of gods?

When I finally made it to the locker I grabbed my books quickly, trying to be as fast as possible. I could already feel the pressure building up inside me, and how my forehead became more and more sweaty. I was going to have all these people at my house? As I said it to myself, my palms started to sweat as well, and in less than two seconds it felt like my entire body had been inside a rainforest. I was sweating like crazy.

"Are you okay?" Cole suddenly appeared behind me.

"Uhm yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said, sweating even more.

"Because you look like you just ran 7 miles." He said and laughed.

Oh, he just loved making fun of me didn't he?

"Shut up. But yeah, I'm throwing a party this evening and if you're going to continue to make fun of me you're not invited." I said, shutting my locker with a loud bang as if I tried to kill my anger that was in the air around it.

"Jeez, relax. I'm just messing with you." He said and continued, "but a party, huh? Sounds fun, princess. Count me in." He smirked and walked away, leaving me remaining there like a question mark.

Did he just call me princess?

Somehow, I felt happy thinking about it, and I suddenly realized how badly I wanted him to be at the party- like he was the reason I was hosting it from the first place. Why was I reacting like this? I had never fallen for his unbelievably endless charm before. He wasn't my type. Or was he?

Shut up, Penny!

When I got home Lacey was already sitting on my porch, with three big boxes filled with all kinds of things you could need at a party. Red cups, ping-pong balls, balloons, flounces, party lights in different colors, tons of snacks, clothes and a lot more. And there, beside them, stood five bottles of vodka, beers and one bottle of tequila. She does not know how to listen.

"Lacey! I told you" I said and pointed at the bottles.

"But come on, you can't throw a party without any alcohol? Do you know how lame that would be?" She said and laughed at the thought. Well, I didn't want people to think my party was lame.. I wanted to be a good host. Wow, I could really feel my brain working right now.

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