Chapter - 3

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I haven't seen the light of day since I've been locked up in the hell hole. The only time that I've really been out of my cell, is when I need to use the restroom or take a shower. Even then, it's usually Anton waiting outside of my door for me.

Not Elizabeth.

I haven't seen Elizabeth since the last time we talked. A small part of me was confused as to why she never came back to visit me. We didn't particularly end on a bad note, the last time we saw each other. So, why would she never come back? Maybe that vampire bitch finally got the death sentence from some other vampire leader.

She did say that she needed to speak to some man named 'Dion'.

Maybe he was their vampire God.

Do the undead even have a vampire God?

Probably not.

The sound of a door opening quite abruptly startled me from my deep thinking. I looked up and saw a frantic Anton walk into the cell and bend down to unclasp the cuffs that were around my ankles. "Can you walk?" He asked, his green irises glancing up and locking onto my nervous blue.

"I-I think so. Is there something wrong?" I frowned, struggling to get up on my own two feet. My left ankle had swelled up to a certain degree since I had tried to escape from the cuffs, multiple times before. Walking on it was going to prove to be quite difficult, but if it meant that I might actually get out of this wretched place, then I was willing to suck it up.

"Mutts have attacked the camp. They're killing our people and devouring every human servant in its sights. We need to get you out of here." Anton pulled me out of the door and I tried my hardest to catch up to his quick feet.

"Werewolves?" I breathed out, my eyes flashing with fear. "W-What about Elizabeth? Where is she in all of this?" I questioned, turning into a dark corner with the male vampire.

"She's fighting them off. Don't worry, she'll be alright. She's trained for situations such as these ones." He reassured me with a small smile.

I didn't need his reassurance, though.

I wanted Elizabeth to die.


No. I need her alive. Elizabeth seems to be one of the most powerful vampires at this camp and if I'm her pet and she needs me, then I can use that to my full advantage. I can use her vulnerability as a way to destroy her and make the humans rule once again.

I need to follow in my father's footsteps. I need to make the world a better place once more.

If Elizabeth dies, then I'll have no use to any of the other vampires and I'll be dead before nightfall.

That is, if I even make it out of this God damn camp before the werewolves get me.

We continued to jog down long corridors until we finally reached a slightly rusted door. There was growling and high-pitched screams of agony coming from the other side and it instantly made my heart drop and my stomach feel nauseous.

"Stay quiet." Anton told me, his eyes changing from green to a golden color. His face was contorted into one of pure pain and I genuinely began to worry for his well-being.

"Are you alright?" I whispered, releasing my tight grip on his arm and settling it on my side.

The animalistic growling stopped suddenly and all that was heard was a loud mewling noise, followed by the lock on the door we were standing in front of turn. A loud creaking sound was made as the door slowly opened up and we were greeted with the sight of a bruised and battered Giselle on the other side.

The Vampire's Pet (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now