Chapter - 4

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We snuck and ducked and hid from any growling werewolf. It seemed we'd been walking forever, until finally we reached the carriage that Giselle had been blabbering on about for - what felt like - hours. Elizabeth's patience was wearing thin and I'm certain Anton was beginning to notice too.

"This was absolutely pointless." The vampire goddess snapped, pointing at the dead horse on the ground, the one next to it breathing heavily; scratches on its neck. "I was foolish to trust you."

A small part of me wondered how they weren't at all affected by the blood pouring out of the dying stallions. The thought was quickly scratched from my mind when I realized that it was most likely due to the fact that they had fed on my people, only hours before the camp was ambushed.

I felt bile in the back of my throat at the visualization of it all happening.

We were far from the burning campsite now, and the screams that we had been hearing were long drown out by other nature noises surrounding us. But that didn't necessarily mean that we were from harms way. At least, I didn't think so.

"I-I'm truly sorry, Elizabeth. I really didn't think that the hounds would reach t-the horses from here." Giselle stammered, her hands clasped in front of her. If vampires could cry, she would probably be a blubbering baby by now. She looked absolutely terrified about being on the receiving end of Elizabeth's wrath.

"You didn't know, love. This isn't your fault." Anton reassured, making his way toward her with a protective stance that I've yet to see on him.

If I didn't hate vampires so much, I'd think the gesture was really charming and sweet.

"You're right, brother. This is your fault. If you hadn't been incompetent and just did what was asked of you, we wouldn't be in this predicament." Elizabeth snarled, rounding on her brother with a heated glare.

"She wouldn't be safe at the mansion and you know it, Beth. Dion would just-"

"Dion would do nothing!" She barked angrily, her chest heaving with each word she spat at her sibling.

Dion. That was the same man Elizabeth had told me she needed to speak to, weeks ago. Who was he and why were they so concerned about me staying at this 'mansion'?

The beautiful monster watched me for a brief moment and then turned back to the couple holding onto each other. "Nightfall is approaching. We need to move."

"I-I can't." I spoke for the first time since our arrival, "My ankle it''s becoming really painful to walk on." My cheeks felt dry because of all the tears that had dried up on them and my eyes felt heavy and tired, from the intense emotional roller coaster I had gone on.

Elizabeth's glaring eyes flicked down to my swollen ankle. She heaved out an annoyed grunt. "Carry the human, Anton. We have a day's walk ahead of us."

Not wanting to upset his sibling any further, the male vampire crouched in front of me and cleared his throat. Getting the silent message, I climbed onto his back and chanced a look at Giselle who didn't seem in the least phased I was on her mate's back.

Are vampires even capable of getting jealous? Not that there was anything for her to be jealous of, truly.

My father never told me much about them and their abilities. He had only said that each and every single vampire was different. Before his passing, he had also informed me that their eyes were what conveyed their emotions. That the only way to decipher how they were feeling was the color of their irises. Deep emotions that couldn't be shown with a smile or a laugh.

I had always thought that the undead were mystical and amazing creatures.

Dangerous and viscous, most definitely. Yet they all seemed to be a puzzle just waiting to be solved, unraveling an image vivid and...dark, evil. Because that's just who they are. Blood-sucking, evil, creatures.

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