Chapter - 5

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"You look beautiful, Miss." Olivia told me with a kind smile, staring at my reflection through the scratched-up vanity mirror across from us.

My blow-dried brown hair was put up into a messy bun and my face had been touched up with makeup, hiding every imperfection on my face; including the jagged scar on my forehead and the small freckle on my upper lip.

I stared at myself through the mirror's reflection. It's been months since I was so thoroughly pampered and well-taken care of. Not since my father's passing. Maybe even long before his death, too. My blue eyes found Olivia's light hazel and I forced a smile on my face. "I don't usually look this lovely. It's all thanks to you, Olivia."

The young girl shook her head and flicked her gaze away from my own. "Forgive me for saying this, Miss. But I think you speak such rubbish. You are radiant." She pulled on the strings of my dress, tying it into a secure knot.

My cheeks warmed and I let out a melodious laugh. "Are you sure Elizabeth isn't paying you to compliment me?" I joked, standing from the plush chair I was seated upon and whirling around to face Olivia; leaning my weight on my good foot.

"We are not paid, Miss. Far from it, really." She frowned, fussing with the lint that had managed to stick to my outfit.

I furrowed by eyebrows together and crossed my arms below my breasts. "Well, what are you rewarded with?"

"Our life, Miss. We don't receive rewards here. We only do as asked of us."

My skin crawled with goose-bumps and I held back the shudder wanting to rip through my small frame. Tears pricked at my eyes and I swallowed the forming lump in my throat. "I'm going to get you all out of here. I promise."

Olivia stared at me as though I was some insane being and then shook her head once more, letting out a small sigh. "Do not cry, Miss. You'll smudge your make up."

A loud pounding on the door made the two of us jump out of our skins, Olivia scurrying away from me and onto the other side of the room. I frowned at her for only a moment, because the door swung open and a large man walked in.

Another vampire.

"You were supposed to be done in here, an hour ago. What are you still doing in here?" The man's gruff voice spat at the sixteen year old girl across from me.

Olivia's eyes widened and she began to stutter out a profuse apology. "I...I was only helping Miss...Miss Wellings. I..." She struggled to find the right words, the un-dead man appearing to get angrier and angrier with each stammer she made.

"She was helping me get dressed." I intervened with an obnoxious clearing of my throat.

The large man's gaze moved toward me and he let out a laugh that I could only compare to a dog's bark. He staggered his way toward me and I rolled my tense shoulders back, trying to make my 5'3 frame look just as tall as his 6'5. "Two humans meddling together? To what?" His hand reached out to touch at my hair. "Play makeover and dress up?"

My gaze never wavered from him, no matter how badly I wanted to look over at Olivia and make sure she was doing alright. From my peripheral, I could tell that her chest was heaving and I could hear her constant sniffles. "Is that so wrong? A makeover's never hurt anyone. I think you might need one, yourself. That beard isn't doing anything for you."

The nameless man's nostrils flared. He angrily wrapped his giant hands around my small neck, squeezing roughly. "You humans think you're so clever, aye? You're on vampire domain, princess." He spat, making me flinch away from his revolting breath.

My hands covered his and I tried hard to rip his grip away from my throat, but to no avail. His strength was entirely abnormal and I was far too weak, having not eaten anything since the camp was ambushed. There was no budging his death hold. "Funny," I managed to struggle out through clenched teeth, "A vampire is useless without human blood. It seems if you kill me right now, that's one less supply that you clearly need."

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