Chapter - 6

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Elizabeth's POV:

"News is being spread around the mansion."

Emerald eyes lifted from the strewn paperwork on her desk and to her brother standing a mere feet away from her. "You say that as though that's a rarity around here."

"News of your pet, Elizabeth. News that she is living and breathing under this roof." Anton continued with a heated glare. "I told you that you shouldn't have brought her here."

Elizabeth leaned forward with clasped hands, her ruby lips tugging into a smirk. "You seem to care a great deal for the human. Should I be worried?"

Anton grunted out an incredulous, "Don't be ridiculous, Beth." He slumped down in the empty chair in front of her. "It'll only be a matter of time before he will hear of this."

"We'll be gone far before he knows of her presence." The raven-haired girl flicked her gaze back to the paper in front of her, only pretending to be deep in thought at whatever it was that was written down on the sheets of dead trees. "If that was all...You know where the door is."

"When do you plan on leaving the mansion?" Anton pressured, "I don't particularly enjoy being here, nor Giselle."

"Then fuck off for all I care." She snapped heatedly, the wood of her desk crunching beneath the grip of her tense fingers. "The hounds could still be lurking and I'm not taking any chances at another fight. We lost too much already."

It was quiet for awhile. The sound of Elizabeth furiously scribbling cursive lettering and Anton staring at his older twin with concern in his blue eyes.

"Look. I know things have been...difficult...since you found Harley. What with newfound feelings you've never felt before." Anton knew he had his sister's attention when her writing halted briefly and then began again with a much more forceful ferocity, "But perhaps it doesn't have to be this difficult."

"You have no idea what I'm going through." The girl snarled back, peering up at her brother through her long eyelashes. "To be worried for her constantly, dreading to see her in pain, care for her when she clearly despises me" She struggled to find the right word.

"Hurtful?" Anton supplied with a quirked brow.

"Mortifying." Elizabeth seethed through clenched teeth. "I won't hear the end of it from the other's around here." She continued her tyrant, standing on her feet; her ink pen messily strewn on her paperwork. "'The great Elizabeth Nightings held on a tight leash by her human pet.'" She quoted, her jaw flexing. "They consider our roles reversed. That she is my mistress and I her pet. Which"

"Mortifying?" Anton drawled, a smug grin on his face as he leaned back comfortably in his seat.

Elizabeth tossed him a swift glare, "Absurd." She huffed. "I am her mistress, yet she defies me so."

"Have you claimed her, then?"

The vampiress seemed lost in her own world when she replied, "No. She'll come to me when she's ready."

"We both well know that Harley will never-" His mouth slammed closed when his sister snapped her forest hues to his ocean blue.

"You think not?" Her voice cracked but she recovered by rolling her tense shoulders back. "I suppose I'll have to find other means to win her affections."

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