chapter 5

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Author's note: sorry about not updating sooner, I have alot of the story written in a notebook but not typed up yet, but I had misplaced the notebook. I found it today, so I decided to update. I might update again today, idk, but I promise I will be updating more often.

Kayla POV: When we get to Maya’s house, her mom is sitting on the couch working on something on her laptop. We say hi, and Kayla asks what she’s doing.

“I’m just researching the adoption laws in Florida. Apparently, the adoption process is pretty long and tedious, but there’s no hurry as long as Kayla’s previous parents don’t decide to file a lawsuit against me.”

“Okay, how about we start the adoption process tomorrow? Today, I want to get Kayla’s stuff from her house, and get her settled in.”

“That sounds good, do you want me to drive you there now?”

“Yeah that would be great.”

I can’t believe how nice Maya’s mom is! She’s the complete opposite of my parents. She’s nice, helpful, and actually seems to care about me and want to be my mom!

We arrive at my old house, and tell Maya’s mom she doesn’t have to come in, so she stays in the car. We go into the house, my parents aren’t home, which I’m glad about, and the door is unlocked. They always forget to lock the door when they’re drunk. We go into my room and pack what I need into a suitcase. Maya’s mom said to only take stuff with sentimental value, and not to worry about clothes or any other necessities like that, because she’s going to take us shopping either today or tomorrow, but I still decide to grab my shoes that I wrote inspirational quotes on with sharpie, and my bunny hat. I also grab my powerpuff girl Bubbles stuffed doll, my purple hippo pillow pet, my diary, and a picture of my grandpa who died when I was in fifth grade. Next we went downstairs to my secret art area. I love drawing and making friendship bracelets, but whenever my parents would see me drawing, they would rip up the picture, calling it ugly, and calling me worthless, stupid, and lazy. Same with my friendship bracelets. They would cut them and all of my thread into shreds. So after they did that to me about 3 times (twice with the drawings and once with the bracelets), I decided to make my own art area downstairs. My parents don’t come downstairs a lot when they’re drunk, because most of the time when they try to, they end up falling. I guess being drunk really messes with their motor functions. Anyway, I created an art area in the deepest corner in the storage area, which I’m pretty sure they forgot even exists. It’s pretty nice, for the circumstances. I used my money I got from doing odd jobs for my neighbors in my old house, and then from working at the local ice cream shop here, to buy all of my art stuff. I have about 4 old TV trays ,which I found in the storage area, set up in a half circle, with a rolling chair, also from the storage area, in the middle. I have 2 Ott lights, since they were buy 1 get 1 free, set on either end of the half circle. (If you don’t know what an Ott light is, it’s pretty much a really good, bright light that is good for art since it doesn’t have any color tint to it. my mom uses one for sewing, and lets me borrow it for drawing, and it’s awesome.) On the floor to the left of the TV trays is a box with all of my thread organized neatly in it, some scissors, a folder with patterns in it, and all of my finished bracelets in it. On the middle-left TV tray I had the current bracelet I’m working on taped down, and I have the pattern next to it. On the TV tray to the right of it, I have the drawing I’m working on, and a few pencils next to it. And to the right of the TV trays, I have a box with lots of colored pencils, regular pencils with different hardnesses, and a folder with all my drawings I’ve done. I grab both boxes, throw my current projects and my Ott lights into them, and then we’re ready to go.

We carry the suitcase and boxes to Maya’s mom’s car. We set them in the trunk, and get into the car. When we get home, I take the suitcase and boxes into Maya’s room, and we start discussing how we are going to set up the room. We don’t need to get another bed, since she has a bunk bed. She had been using the bottom bed as a sofa-type thing, but we just switched out the mattresses to turn it into a bed. There wasn’t much else to set up. Luckily her closet is huge, so she set it up so all of her stuff is on one one half of it, and once we go shopping my stuff will be on the other half.

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