Chapter 23

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Theres a man on a horse up front it must be the king. He looked straight at me trying to figure me out. There were at least 500 people here with the king. We haven't even got half of that. The king came to a halt about 40 foot in front of us.

"so you refuse to hand yourself in and now you want to get all of these innocent people killed. Tut tut Kira" the king sneared.

"what would you know if you gave these people a chance to live we wouldn't be wasting time here and you said it yourself they're innocent" I replied.

"You have no idea what you have gotten yourself in for child. I bet you don't even have control of your powers yet" The king said.

"I wouldn't bet on it punk" With that i threw a fire ball directly at him. He dodged it and jumped off the horse. "Guys its time" i shouted to everyone.

Everyone charged towards eachother. I ran towards the nearest person. It was a vampire. I used the wind to lift me up in the air then i landed on his shoulders and twisted his neck. He turned to ash in my hands. I quickly moved on to the next vampire this time burning his throat out until he turned to ash. I looked around and saw mom blowing up a werewolf. Mikka was fighting another wolf. My brothers draven and dante were fighting back to back. Kraze was fighting another shapeshifter. I learnt that kraze was one of only 13 shapeshifters alive on earth. I saw a witch fall out of the tree i ran over to her dodging people fighting.

"Are you ok?" i asked her.

"Yeah just got knocked im fine hurry back to the fight" i nodded and ran looking for the king. I saw him circling with Trent. I ran towards them when i saw Korey being held round the neck. I felt anger boil inside of me. Then i saw a flash of red light shoot towards the vampire holding Korey and he just turned to ash. I looked down and realised it was me who shot it. Then i turned back to the king. I shot people with the light who were in my way until i reached him.

"This is about me and you now" I said the king turned towards me.

"Ah no ill finish you after i finish with this half breed" he said looking at Trent. He ran towards Trent and they started throwing punches at eachother. Then he pulled out a dagger and plunged it into Trent. All sound drowned out as i ran towards Trent. I kneeled next to him and held the wound. No he cant be gone he has no pulse. My heart feels like its just been crushed and torn. I ant show my weakness though.

"Your mates? Oh my god that is actually quite funny. You wanna join him?". I looked up at the king and stood up i wiped my forehead wiping the sweat away forgetting the blood on my hand. 

I was angry so angry. My body felt hot i started to sweat. My vision blurred then i closed my eyes when i opened them i realised i was floating 10 foot in the air. I looked down. Everyone had stopped fighting and was now looking at me. My family looked worried. Other people looked shocked.

"This stops now" I screamed then i pointed towards the king i hit him with the biggest gust of wind i could round up. He flew back. He then stood up and shot up in the air.

"You want to know a secret?" he said. No one moved. Then his body started to twist and turn. Floating in front of me was a demon looking thing. Its eyes were red its teeth were yellow it had pale greenish skin."I cant be destroyed im a half breed too my vampire side hides the side strongest my Luplal demon. Rise my people" 

About twenty people rose above the ground and turned into the same thing he was. " My child you are not strong because this wasnt the war you was made to fight. The whole prophecy was a decoy. If your are the chosen one i will see you again" with that him and the rest of the people disappeared.

Everyone around me was shocked. "Do you all see what you have caused? Innocent people have died because of you. We were fooled by this stupid prophecy and because of that Trent is dead my soulmate is dead. I give up with this world im going back to the humans do what you wish with your lives" I started floating down when someone shouted.

"You cant go we were fooled like you said but dont you think we all deserve a second chance. If you leave now these people died for no reason.we should avenge there deaths. If you become queen or even our leader we will listen to you we will fight for you" The man bowed his hand and got on his knees in submission. Slowly people followed him. I looked around even people on my side were down too.

"So this is what you all want? You will listen to me at all times?" There was a chorus of yes's. "Fine ill be your queen" I floated down and ran to Trent. I hold his hand which was now going cold. A warm tear glided down my cheek. I didnt realise it but now i do. I love him and im never going to deny it ever.

"I can bring him back you know" I looked up to see a woman aged about 40 looking down at me. "Ive done bad things for the king in my life, let me bring him to life so i atleast have done something good"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Clemmy, the kings witch" Clemmy replied. "I lost my mate 10 years ago which made me become evil i know the pain your feeling even if your not showing it. Since you are becoming Queen you need a true blooded King"

"Are you sure?" i asked.

"Yes, but promise me you will kill that bastard and look after my daughter, she's only ten."she asked.

"I will try my god damn hardest and i will treat you daughter like a sibling"

"Thats good enough for me. Stand back" Clemmy turned Trent over so he was on his back. I stood back and looked around. Everyone had formed a circle and was watching intently.

Just as the witch knelt down next to Trent a little girl walked out the crowd. "Mother what are you doing"

"Clem i told you to stay in the hiding place" Clemmy said.

"I felt pain and i needed to come to you" Clem said.

"Honey im going away now, do you remember when i told you about heaven im going now. You'll be ok dont worry"

"But mother where am i supposed to go?" Clem was now crying.

"I'll look after her Clemmy" My mother said walking forward and placing a hand on Clem's shoulder.

"Thank you Kara, Clem i love you and make sure you never forget that go in my room in the castle you can have whatever you like out of there" She stood up and walked over to her daughter.

"I love you too mother, ill never forget you" Clem cried. Clemmy hugged her daughter then took off a necklace around her neck and handed it her daughter. "This has been in our family for generations its your time to bear the powers it holds" she handed it her daughter and hugged her on last time and then my mother led Clem away. Clemmy walked back over to Trent and started to mumbled words in latin then she repeated it over and over whilst holding his hand. She had been doing for about 3 minutes when she became weaker and weaker she was now laying on the floor still holding Trents hand. Suddenly Trents chest started moving up and down. Clemmy took one last breath and her heart stopped beating.

"Ok everyone get Trent and Clemmy to the Kings castle there should be a doctor there. We will all go home until further notice" I said. I teleported back to the castle. Time to pay a visit to the Queen.


Okay guys so i twisted it around :) aha i bet you wasnt expecting that! It took me forever to write this chapter sorry i couldnt upload yesterday i was stuck in hospital with my best friend

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