Chapter 9

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Urgh! Right now i was getting ready for my first day at "school". Sunday i was just chillin with the guys and last night and saturday night  i was practising magic with Helana  fom 10 until about 1ish.Now its about 8:30 school starts in half an hour im wearing black skinny jeans, a black vest top with a melting icecream on it, black and white converse and a black hoodie. Yeah we're aloud to wear what we want as long as it isnt too revealing if you get me... Any way my time table;

Monday: Registration,Maths, ICT, English, Double Art.

Tuesday:Registration, Science, Maths, MHM, English, PE

Wednesday:Registration, English, ICT, Double PE, Art

Thursday: Registration,Day of for all none humans

Friday: Registration, Double art, Maths, English, Science

We have two lessons then a break for 15 minutes then another lesson then an hour of dinner and then the last two lessons we finish at about 4ish. Any how now that ive memorised all that i can go and meet everyone for lessons i have my two brothers with me every lesson or at least one of them and then i have at least one of my friends in my lessons. If your wondering what MHM means its where all of us non humans meet up in the study hall where we have to find out more about ourselves its pretty much us standing up telling people what we know and reading books ect.

Any how i started to make my way to registration I have it with Korey, Kraze, Helena, Perry and Nina. Luke, Storm, Leo, Draven and Damon was in the year above ours and so well they aint in none of my lessons... I got to my registration room and looked around everyone was sitting talking.

"Hey Kira come and sit by us over here" I looked to my left and saw Helena waving frantically. I walked over to where she was everyone was there.

"Get lost or something?" Korey asked.

"Nah" I replied and he left it at that. We all sat chatting away about what we was doing this saturday

"Right then lets get the register done and we can all go back to talking in our groups" He started calling all the names out."Right Kira come here please everyone else can continue talking". I walked over to his desk.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"The headmaster would like to see you know please" He said.

"Ok sir ill go now" I turned around to the guys." Hey guys Uncle needs me ill see you inabit" I got replys of yeahs and oks and then i left. I wonder what he wants? I teleported into his room.

"Hello Kira" He said.

"Hey unc so whats up?" I asked.

"Well ive been doing some research on you and the prophecy" He looked at me to see if i was paying attention i nodded my head for him to carry on." And well i've found out what you are, you are animantium animas electrus (Chosen one for the lives of all living creatures) and the power you have is the strongest power on earth and the wise witch who lives with the highest ranking full witches wants that power off you that power is Rapto Vires(Stolen powers) and well theres going to be a big war in the in the forseeable future Kira you need to be prepared he is willing to kill you for this power and i cant let that happen". He took a deep breath and stared at which felt like hours but was only mere seconds...

" If its a war he wants its a war he will get" I said now really angry." I will need everyone training and i also want to look for mother she might still be out there and if she is shes coming home".

"Ok thats why you dont have lessons on thursday to practise for this fight" He looked at me. I just nodded. "Oh theres someone i need you to meet Trent come in please" The door opened when i turned around Trent walked in.

"Urm... Hey Kira, Mikka" I looked at my uncle with a look on my face saying 'seriously?' He nodded.

"Hey Trent i thought you was joking about coming here... well... erm good to see you again" I turned around to Uncle mikka. " Ill be going to class now we'll speak later about certain matters".

"Oh Kira dont worry Trent knows he's a friends son he's half vamp half witch he will be able to help you and ive put him in every one of your classes oh and he will also be sharing your dorm his bed and stuff is being put in now" I looked at my Uncle.

"For fudge cake sake im the only one this can happen to.Well Trent listen and listen carefully no touching my stuff and no touching me no touching my pet rat err just dont do anything to annoy me and put the toilet seat down and keep my room tidy!" He nodded his head and saluted i just laughed. "Stupid fudge cake"

"Stupid cookie crumble" I looked at him.

"Did you really just say that" I aksed him.

"Derr it came out my mouth so ovbiously" Urgh im hating this guy already.

"Ok well Kira you have the morning off you can show Trent around and then go to lessons after dinner show him where we practise the dorms the study the main hall the cafeteria a...."I cut him off.

"Yeah yeah i get it by unc" He nodded i grabbed Trent and teleported to my dorm room. There was another door in my room i opened it and sure enough it was another bed room well i guess its trents. I spent all morning doing what Uncle Mikka told me to and then we went to lessons and the day went pretty much fast.

It was now half 9pm i told Trent i was going to bed and so he said he was aswell. I went into my room and shut the door and sat down and read a book until 10 then i teleported to the room me and Helena practise in today shes showing me some one word spells i could use in this up coming war.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A'N hey guys sorry this chap is boring next one is going to be more eventful please keep voting and i need 5 more fans before i upload next which will hopefully be friday thanks x

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