Chapter 1

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I had my first day at my new school today. Everyone was friendly, but everyone could also hear that I moved here from Australia, and a few people laughed, most of the girls complimented my accent though, I don’t know what it is with girls and Australian accents, it turns them on I think. I got my classes today. I have English on high level, music on high level and Math’s on high level, and well, the rest is just on a normal level. When I entered the school a lot of people starred at me, because who’s that weird guy with the turquoise colored hair? A few laughed too, but well that’s not really my problem.

As I walked down the hall a few students sent me smiles and some even said, “Hi” and “Welcome.” I felt welcome amongst most of the students. I walked into the principal’s office where I was greeted by the principal and a young lad, at my age I assume. I reached out my hand to greet the principal, “Hello I’m Michael Clifford,” I said, the principal shook my hand “Mr. Peterson.” He said as we both pulled our hands back, and then he looked at the boy standing next to him. “This is Ashton Irwin,” the principal said before the guy, who apparently was named Ashton could even open his mouth, he broke him off though.” Mr. Peterson asked me if I wanted to guide you through the day, and I couldn’t say no.” Ashton said with a grin on his face, I sent him a smile and again I reached out my hand, Ashton grabbed it firmly, “Nice to meet you,” I said and Ashton replied with a huge smile:”Likewise.”

Ashton showed me around on the school while talking about everything and nothing, he told me who the popular kids was, who was dating and all kinds of stuff, it was quite interesting. The bell rang to let us know that we had to get to class, I looked at my schedule, I had music this lesson, surprisingly Ashton did too, also on a high level. We walked towards the class, still talking, I liked Ashton, he made me feel really welcome, and also he seemed to like me too, so what was the point in not talking to him. When we entered the class two boys ran up to us hugging Ashton, “Michael this is Luke and Calum, Calum and Luke, this is Michael, the new student.” He presented us and I shook both of their hands, we talked for about two minutes when the teacher entered the room and asked us to take our seats.

As every other teacher in the world, she asked me to come and tell a little about myself. I stood up and walked into the middle of the class, luckily I wasn’t shy. “Hello guys, I’m Michael Clifford.” I said and sent out a rather awkward wave, “I moved here a few weeks ago from Australia, as you can probably hear with my accent, I’m 17 years old and I’ve played music for as long as I can remember.” I said with a grin on my face, people started clapping, “What do you play?” A girl asked. I smiled proudly, “Well basically I play everything, I might not do right now, but if I practice, I will be able to play it, you know.” I joked and the class started laughing, “No, I play guitar, a bit of drums, a tiny bit piano and bass, also I sing.” I said with confidence in my voice. “Sing for us,” a guy in the back yelled and I smiled, “Would love too, but I think the class has to get started.” I said and he nodded his head in agreement.

The day actually went pretty fast, I hung out with Luke, Ashton and Calum and they all greeted me welcome in their group without hesitation, and I just fitted in perfectly. I had English with Calum as my last class of the day and we walked towards the class together. “So what do you think of the school so far?” He asked, “So far it seems pretty great, people are so friendly, I’ve heard a few remarks about my hair, but I heard them at my old school too, it’s just because most people don’t really understand why anyone would want crazy colored hair.” I blabbered out, I sent him an apologizing smile, “Sorry I’m just blabbering, but it’s because I feel accepted in your presence.” I informed him and he sent me a huge smile, “I’m glad, if you make at least one friend on your first day, you say it’s going to be a good place to go to school, and you made three friends in just one day, so I’d say that the odds are in your favor.” He said and squeezed my shoulder, “We’re here.” He continued and we entered the classroom together. Calum walked to the back of the class, and sat down at the only table available. I sat down next to him and smiled. All we had to do in the class was reading a chapter of a book and then talk about it with our partners, luckily Calum turned out to be my partner.

As the day ended I said goodbye to Calum and we agreed to meet up tomorrow, as it was Saturday, yeah I started school on a Friday, don’t ask why, my mom thought it would be a brilliant idea. I walked through the hall and suddenly I heard an already familiar laugh, I turned around to see Ashton saying goodbye to one of his mates, I smiled and started to walk towards the front door again, “Micky wait up!” Ashton said and ran up to my site, “Hi, want to hang today or something? I don’t have anything to do, and I really need to go do some shopping!” He exclaimed and I nodded, “I could do some shopping too, but I need to get home and pick up my wallet and stuff.” I said and he told me to follow him. We ended up in front of a silver car. Don’t ask me what brand, because honestly I don’t know much about cars and I didn’t get to get a good look at it.

“Is it yours?” I said almost choking on my own spit, “Yeah, I got my driver’s license only a few weeks ago, when I turned 18.” He said proudly, and I couldn’t help but smile, he was absolutely adorable, wait what. I don’t find other boys adorable I thought to myself, but there was something about Ash, he was adorable, his smile and his laugh, thinking of it made my heart flutter a bit. “Micky?” He said and got me out of my thoughts, “Oh sorry I just dozed off, that happens quite often, sorry.” I said and laughed it off as I sat in the car. “Just give me directions to your house.” He said and I nodded, we drove out of the schools parking lot and towards my home, it’s not that I live far away, only a ten minute walk. “Turn left here, it’s my house right on the corner.” I said and Ashton did as I told him too. “Hurry up!” He cheered as I got out of the car and slammed the door shut and ran towards my house. I wanted to punch myself in the face, I could tell by the feeling in my stomach that there was something about Ashton that I liked, in what way, I quite frankly wasn’t sure off, because I’d never felt that way before. I greeted my mom, “You look happy,” She said but I cut her off, “I am, and I’m going shopping with my new friend Ashton, he’s waiting for me outside. Mom, moving here is the best decision we’ve ever made.” I said and pecked her lip once, before I grabbed my wallet and walked out the house without giving her time to response.

I sat in the car with Ash, “That was fast.” He joked as I fastened my seat belt, “I just missed you so much, I had to run.” I said jokingly, it was somehow true, but I still found it so unbelievably strange. First of all I just met the guy 8 hours ago, second of all I’m straight, and even if I wasn’t straight I wouldn’t already have fallen in love.  “So where do you want to go?” Ash asked me, taking my mind of all the questions going on up there. “Uhm, I don’t really know what stores there is around here, it’s your call.” I said and he nodded, “Can I turn on the radio?” I asked and Ashton nodded again, keeping his face directly on the ground, I could tell he still was a bit nervous driving.

I turned on the radio to hear the sound of a familiar song playing, “I love this song!” I cheered and Ashton looked confused at me, he didn’t know it? Well I have to change that I thought to myself, “It’s called ‘Out Of My Limit’ it’s made by an Australian band called Internal Love, they’re my all time favorite band!” I said and he smiled, “You seem to like them a lot, but the song is quite catchy, I like it.” He said, looked at me and sent me a smile before he looked back onto the road.

We reached a big mall, we entered and did a lot of shopping, but most of the day consisted on getting to know each other, and we agreed on doing some shopping again another day, because well, he only bought a pair of jeans, that fitted him perfectly and almost made me drool just looking at him in them, yeah he’s hot, I can’t help it, and I bought a plain black t-shirt, because no I don’t have enough of them, just about 7. We went out to eat on a Chinese restaurant in the evening, and it tasted awfully amazing, and I promised myself to get back here soon, with or without Ashton, but hopefully it’d be with him, I thought to myself. “We better head home to get some sleep, it’s almost ten and we have to meet up with the lads tomorrow.” I said and sent Ashton a smile, “Yeah, but I thought ,do you want to spend the weekend or just the night at my place? I’ll drive you home to pick up some stuff if it’s necessary?” Ashton asked, and I smiled, “Yeah sure, thanks mate.” I said and I could see a glimpse of happiness in his eyes, “Perfect.” He said and we walked to the car to drive to my house and pick up my stuff for the sleepover. 

Just Another Love Song (Mashton - Michael and Ashton)Where stories live. Discover now