Chapter 7

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omg guys, im so sorry i didnt update thursday!!! my sister went into early labour tuesday and my week has been really eventful. I am now finally infront of my computer and had the time to write, even though its 3am, I had to update! I really love you guys, sorry for keeping you waiting, oh and dedication goes too @AsionnaM because her comment made me smile!


Ashton’s pov.

It was finally summer holidays and Michael and I had agreed on going on a camp, but the day I went to pick him up at his home, the door wasn’t answered, I was confused and slightly angry. I tried dialing him several times but he didn’t pick up, I sent him a few texts but I got no reply. I figured he was still sleeping and got in my car to wait. After waiting for 2 hours I figured I should call him again, this time he picked up. He sounded tired, and a little like he’d been crying. “Hello.” He said with a hoarse voice, “Baby are you okay?” I asked and he chuckled, a mean laughter, “Why are you calling me baby? We don’t have anything together Ashton.” He said, I felt a pain in my chest that I had never felt before, my heart sinking and my breathing became unsteady, “B-but Micky I thought..” He cut me off, “Leave it Ashton, what we had was never real.” He said and I heard him snuffle, “Baby please?” I tried but he hung up on me. Tears was streaming from my eye, I couldn’t keep them back.

I backed out of his parking lot and started to drive, not giving a fuck where I was going, tears streaming down my cheeks. I threw my phone away bawling my eyes out. I had to stop the car. Why was he being like this? What had I done wrong? He had sounded so evil, like he hated me. I tried drying my eyes with the back of my hand, but soon as I did, new tears covered them again. It was useless. I was useless. I grabbed my phone again and saw that I had gotten a message from Michael. I sighed, I really didn’t want to read it, but I kind of hoped he would say sorry or something. I opened the message.

‘Listen Ash, I don’t mean any of what I just said, meet me down at the lake by the school at 3, I’ll explain everything. I love you.’ I bit my lip, if he hadn’t meant it why did he say it then? I looked at the time, 2:30 I started the car again, dried my eyes and tried to keep the tears in. I drove in silence, letting it cover me in, making me feel better. The drive back to the city and to the lake took about 30 minutes normally, so I had enough time. I looked at the road and realized that I was at the lake. The time had gone by so fast I hadn’t even thought about it. I parked my car and was about to get out when the passenger seat door opened, “DRIVE!” Michael shouted and locked the door. I looked confused around and started to drive, “What’s going on?!” I said as I kept driving, he was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down his face.

We parked the car and kept the doors locked. “My old friends from Australia came by for a little visit.” He said tears still streaming down his face. “Well wouldn’t you be happy then?” I asked and pulled him into me, hugging him tight. “Yes, but there’s a thing. Where I’m from in Australia, most people are against gays, and if a gay is on the street, he normally gets beaten up. They came over here, I told them everything, they grabbed me and started to hurt me, forced me to say those things, slapped me, and my old best friend, he broke my hand.” He said, snuffing through tears. I kissed his cheek lightly, “Baby, it’ll be alright, let’s call your mom and dad, and the police.” I said and he agreed. I looked at him, and removed his tears with my pointy finger, “They are idiots, us here in England, we love you ok?” I said and he nodded, I gently pressed my lips onto his and stayed like that for a few seconds, then I pulled back and found my phone, first I dialed the police. We both told them everything and we had to go to a hearing, they couldn’t really use me though, because I hadn’t been there. His mother met us at the station, and later we went to the hospital together to get his bruises checked.

We decided to stay back at my place, his mother thanked me for taking care of him, said that I’m the best thing that has ever happened to her son, and that I make him happy. I smiled at her and told her that I’m happy that I can make him happy, because he made me happier than I had ever been too. She smiled and hugged me before she went home. I pulled Michael with me into my room and we placed us on my bed and snuggled up in each other’s arms  and started to watch ‘A walk to remember’ my all time favourite film, Michael isn’t really into all those love films, he likes action better, but I know he enjoys watching it with me, he told me. He kissed me a lot of times, and kept saying sorry for what he had done because he had known how much it had hurt me. I just told him that it was okay, it wasn’t his fault after all.

We fell asleep watching the movie, only at about 10 in the evening, but I was really tired and Michael was too, without a doubt, he had had a rough day. Before I fell asleep I kissed all his bruises in his face and ended up at his lips, “I love you.” I said, he didn’t reply because he was already asleep. I looked at his beautiful face, is mouth slightly open and his heavy breathing, his eyes flickering slightly letting me know that he was dreaming.  He was the most beautiful human being. I placed my head on his chest to sleep and entwined our bodies more.

We woke up the next morning, still entwined. He smiled at me when I opened my eyes. “I love you too.” He said and I smiled. “You didn’t sleep?” I asked, he nodded, “I did, or well almost at least.” He replied and kissed my lips. “I’m going to take a shower and hopefully make my muscles a little less tense, and we can go on that camping trip today instead? Please baby.” He begged and I chuckled, “Okay then.” I said and he kissed me one last time before he ran off, his naked back against me, making me groan, just the look of him made me do that, and his naked back, I can barely tell you how it made me feel. I smiled, I was actually the luckiest guy on the planet, I thought to myself. Michael disappeared out of my room, making me feel cold, alone and empty, even though I knew he was just on the other side of the wall.

I smiled as I heard the water turn on, and I could hear someone singing, and obviously that someone was MY boyfriend, Michael Clifford. His voice was incredible, it sounded like the angels.  I found myself sitting with my mouth open, I had heard him sing in the school, in music lessons, but he used to sing with other people, so I had actually never really gotten a good listen to it.

When he came back into the room he smiled at me, his big and genuine smile, the smile that made his eyes cringle and showing off his amazingly white teeth. “You’re amazing.” I stammered and he walked over to me, only in his boxers. I looked at his body, it was covered in bruises and I felt the anger rise in my body. Those idiots had hurt my life, they had hurt my Michael, and I was not cool with that, I wanted revenge, but I knew I couldn’t. He looked at me and realized I was starring at his bruises, “Baby, it’ll be okay, they’ll be gone soon.” He said and I nodded, “I’m just not okay with it, they hurt you.” I said and he just shook his head, “Its fine baby, as long as I have you by my side.” He said and kissed me again, with such passion that he had never kissed me before, no sign of lust or hunger, just pure love. I knew that being with Michael was the best thing in my life, and I was so happy that I got to call him my boyfriend. 

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