Chapter 5 - Start

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Cyrus the Great, my great grandfather who was the first king of The Achaemenid Persian Empire created most humane and equal kingdom. He built the strongest, largest empire that people all around the land ever known. He is the father of our nation and everyone admired his outstanding intelligence and humane acts.
My great grandfather stated "No one can be penalized for his or her relatives' faults."
But I, his blood line failed to keep his 'Charter of Freedom' and killed an innocent child. Now here I am inside of the Pasargadae - The Palace of Peace and the Tomb of Cyrus the Great of Persia and his beloved wife, queen Cassandane Shahbanu.
Since I was a little girl I came here to hid from my maids to be alone to seek peace and silence. I read all the charters about my forefathers and their queens. Aside of his accomplishment I also admired his true love towards his queen, my great grandmother. Just like them I want to spend eternity with my love. Its amusing yet frustrating that every thing I think about somehow ends up about her. I prayed for my ancestors and left the temple somewhat feeling relieved.
Now if I only see the glimpse of my favourite commander it would definetely brighten my day. I decided to attend the assembly to fullfil my wish and when I entered the throne room my father motioned me to stand beside him. I confidently walked to the throne to take my granted seat next to the king. Assembly started and many things were besing discussed, mostly regarding the state matters.
"Egyptian rebels are getting out of hand my king, they wish to declare their independence and their new king is agreeing with these rebellious idea." One of the generals said.
"We should remind them who is their real king, your majesty." Another one agreed.
"May I have the honor to lead your highness's great army to conquer filty Egyptians once again." Artemisia said. Cant this woman stay still once? Does she really have to risk her life every chance she got? I fumed inside upon seeing her voluntarily offering her service to the king.
Father nodded and got up from his golden throne.
"Artemisia,  you my honorable general will lead my great army to defeat the Egyptian rebellion." King Darius commanded which the generals present at the assembly all knelt down to receive it.
"Father, I wish to go as well." I volunteered as well to my surprise.
"Anahita? My child, its dangerous." Father said full of worry.
"I'm aware of it my dear king. Allow me to lead my army to Egypt. I'll make sure to remind them where they belong." I said even though I hesitated inside. He thought for awhile but I tried my best to assure him through my confident gaze.
After a few more intense moments, he sighed in surrender and gave me his permission to lead the army to Egypt.

Egypt is the furthest kingdom in our empire and journey there would be at least a couple of months. During that time I will be with my love.
I stared at the blue sea that holds many mysteries in it. We are currently on the royal ship that belongs to me and discussing the strategy of the war. Being the most strategic general, Artemisia came with many brilliant ideas she successfully used before. War in the sea is difficult but with the general like her I do not doubt our victory.
Night took over the day, sky and sea became one, united by dark color of the night. Decided to raise the spirit of my warriors I ordered to celebrate our first day of journey to the east. Well the feast consists of only drinking since we lack dancers or musicians of the palace. Drunken soldiers became dancers themselves and the singing of them replaced the melody of musicians.
Even I decided to enjoy their entertainment and started drinking. Just when my sight started to blur I found Artemisia retiring to her room and I made myself follow after her.
She turned around as she felt my precence at her back and stared at me. I smiled at her foolishly and extended my arms for her. She should be mine, no one else's. I thought and took a step towards her, embracing her in my arms.
"You smell delightful, Artemisia." I said to her as I inhaled a deep breath near her neck.
I pulled back just to touch her flawless face and stare right at her eyes.
"Your eyes are so alluring that I always get lost in them."
Then I traced my thumb along her lips.
"Your lips are intoxicating. Even If they were a poison I would gladly take it everyday. "
"You are so beautiful, the beauty that can cause million hero's death in the legend. "
My hands traveled to her waist,
"Your body is beyond mesmerizing that can make goddess of beauty jealous."
"You are perfect, Artemisia." I said and crashed my lips to her.
My kisses were needy, hungry unlike my trueself.
I pulled back and looked to meet her green forest eyes. The eyes that shine with something I could not identify.
That was the last thing I remember from that day.
Next day me and my fellow warriors looked sick and miserable except my immortals, the special force of  Persian army that protects royal family as they are the most powerful, talented warriors who are prepared for years to sacrifice themselves to protect the royalty. Simply they are trained bodyguards.
I woke up on Artemisia's bed but she wasn't there with me which quite offended me. I do remember all events from yesterday and even after those confessions she didn't do anything. It hurts my pride and disappointed me greatly. One can only wonder the appeal of themselves at the eyes of the other party.
I found her dining her morning meal with the rest of the generals and when I entered the room she didn't even bother to look at my direction. All the generals along with her stood up and bowed, but she had the audacity to continue to give me the cold shoulder. Well so be it, I won't utter a single word to her unless she approaches me by herself. I swore to myself as I am finally regaining my pride bestowed upon me through my royal bloodline.

The few days I kept to my word and ignored her felt like eternity to me. We were nearing our destination day by day and I hope to see the sight of any land soon. Ignoring her would be easier in the palace that is enormous to hide but on the ship it is not an easy task to be done.
We dine together three times a day with the rest of the generals and mostly everyday we have meeting to discuss the warfare.
I entered the dining hall when generals were in a heated discussion while waiting for their dinner.
They stopped and stood up but I motioned them to continue and sit down.
"As I was saying after we defeat the Egyptians we should extend our empire to the Greek. They shall be under our great king's wise control. Don't you think so my princess?" One of the generals named Bandari said.
I thought for a while as they sat quietly, waiting for my response.
"Probably." I answered shortly and ordered the maids to bring the food.
When I was eating I felt typical green eyed general staring at me but keeping to my word I did not dazed and stared at her with same intensity.

Greek. That word only reminded me of her vengeance. I know her reason of breathing is to burn that country.
I'm aware of it. Ten years ago, I followed her to the river inside of the palace one night. She was screaming those exact words on the bridge, under the new moon. That was the first and the last time I witnessed Artemisia crying and her tears just proved to me she meant every single word she uttered that night. Her tears back then are still glistening in my mind as well as her burning desire in her eyes right now.
Today has new moon just like that forsaken night and memories came rushing back to me clearer than stars shining above. After that day her eyes glowed with that desire of vengeance and it never left, it never changed just like my feelings for her. Just when I sighed out of sadness I felt two arms embracing me from behind. I can guess only one person who can dare to touch a royal princess without permission. I turned around to see that same fire burning in her eyes, not giving her chance to include a love or anything else in her life. However, if she is with me I do not care, I can just pray to gods that these mesmerizing eyes will shine with love for me one day. That is possible if she is with me and if I show her how to love someone.
Cutting my thoughts she kissed me, slowly and hesitantly. When she pulled back I said, no ordered,
"Be mine."
She nodded.

A/n: Happy Valentine's day for couples and Happy independence day to my fellow singles. Vote and comment! Thank you, D.

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