Chapter 14 - Decision

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As an empress, it was mandatory for me to attend the royal council with the commanders and generals. The matters we discuss were always same, since we are in newly claimed region of our empire; only decision I have to make is whether to expand my kingdom further or retreat back to home.

"Your Grace, our soldiers' supply is wearing out and if we bring more over from the capital it will harm the royal treasury greatly. Please consider the costs come with the war and choose your decision wisely." My master of Coins reported.
"As our soldiers are rested well enough and appreciated your majesty's thoughtfulness towards their well beings, we believe it's time for us to march against the Athens and unite the Greeks to our majestic empire.' One of the generals said and many supporting agreements followed it through the hall.

As the time goes by, I could see most of them either speaking their agreed opinion or nodding silently. However, neither of them swayed me a bit.  Even though the only reason I was reluctant to move, which was Amaltheia is here with me, I cannot make a decision easily since thousands of lives are on the line. As usual, Artemisia stayed silent, observing me intently. I could see frustration in her eyes but I tried not to think much of it.

"May I speak my humble opinion, your grace?' Cutting the murmurs around the hall, one dashingly good-looking, young general spoke.

"You may, general Hassan." I permitted his request.

"If you, my enchanting sovereign wishes to put an end to this war and save the Greeks from great misery we shall do as you ordered and praise our empress' kindness to the humanity. After all, we are your servants and we gave our oath to follow you no matter what. Don't you agree with me brothers?' he said while staring at each of his fellow commanders. However, when he stared at Artemisia she was already gazing at him with much more intensity and hatred. For a moment there, I feared she might grab her sword and slice the dashing general in a half.

"Thus, give us your order and do what you have to do. We all shall accept your decision and follow you until the death takes us from you." He said and kneeled down which I responded with a small smile as a gratitude to his loyalty and pledge.

After I dismissed the council with a promise to give my order soon, I sent my handmaiden to escort Amaltheia, my long awaited guest.

" Did you rest well, dear?" I asked when she entered my quarters.

" my queen?"

"No need to be formal, young one. Just think of me as your sister."

"But you are the empress of Persia." she whispered.

"Indeed I am. But I wish us to be sisters. Do you disfavor this idea?"

"No but.." she started but I cut her off by asking more about her current family which she excitingly talked about and her infant brother.

"If you had an older sister, would you've liked her company?" I asked hopefully but it shattered into pieces when she seemed hesitant about it.

"I think I would have enjoyed having an older sibling since I used to be jealous of my friends who had an older sister or brother who takes care of them and plays with them." Amaltheia said couple moments later and I was beyond glad to hear it. I found out she is truly happy with her adoptive parents through her talking and her dream is to become a scholar who spreads the great knowledge to children but she wishes to teach to a children who cannot afford schooling. It warmed my heart to hear the girl talk so passionately about her future and I was relieved to get to know the girl's kind and gentle soul.

After I sent her back to her chamber, I ordered an audience with her adoptive parents to express my gratitude. However, It wasn't my only intention to see them. I asked them to reveal the truth about Amaltheia's true identity to her which took them off guard but the mother agreed to do so after hearing about her survived true sister. We both believe they need each other, especially her.

In Greek language, Amaltheia means "to soften, to soothe" and it's a name of the nurse who fostered king of gods, Zeus. I believe she can do justice to her name and soothe her sister who is filled with rage and hatred. Because of this hope, I searched her for years all over the Greek. I'm relieved that I found the young girl who seems to be curious and bright out of her age. There is no doubt she could bring a ray of light to her older sister's dark demeanor.

I was in full of thoughts similar to this when none other than Daphne snaked her arms around me. It wasn't unusual for her to be in my private quarters but I wasn't in need of her accompany at the moment.

"I'm tired this night." I said and tried to get out of her clasp but it tightened in response. Her disobeying fueled my anger and just when I turned around to question her brave yet idiotic act, she silenced me with her own lips. Her bold move conflicted my feelings, I was torn between pushing her away or letting her have her way but soon I chose to give it in. However, much to my dismay she pulled away and when I opened my eyes to see the reason; I found Daphne laying on the floor and one and only general who can interrupt me from such intimate act beside her.

"How dare you enter my private quarters without my permission, Artemisia?' I yelled, I had enough of her discourteous manner. She chose to ignore my obvious disfavor of her action and turned to Daphne who I believe just pushed harshly by the mannerless commander.

"Leave." she said to her but instead of following her order Daphne turned to me, waiting for my instruction. Frustrated by her unmoving state Artemisia turned to me and stared at me with her fiery green eyes. Even though it is not right to give her what she wants, my curiosity got the best of me. I nodded to the kneeling maiden before me and she left the room without a word but not before gazing at me with saddened eyes.

Not believing the current events happening at the moment I reached for the goblet full of wine and finished it with one gulp. Not satisfied enough I retreated to the corner of my chamber where I keep the finest wines any man could ever find.

"Now I believe you owe me an explanation of your sudden ...visit." I questioned her while filling my goblet again.

It is the first time we are meeting alone in months and I wonder why she came to me on her own. Sighing to myself, I decided to offer her wine and just when I turned to give it to her the goblet fell from my grasp. However, I was too startled to realize it because I least expected her to be standing without any clothing to hide her nudity.

"You said to give you a reason." she said and took a step forward. I was too mesmerized to respond or function correctly because all I wanted from this world is staying in front of me with all its glory.
Right at that moment, I knew I was in her spell, at her mercy. It does not matter how hard I tried to step away from her and silence the beating heart of mine through the days, months and years; she will still have this power to turn me away with her enchantment whenever she desires. It is a curse that she became part of me, a flesh of mine that I could not stay away. My feelings towards her is too strong, it became attached to my very inner soul; like an illness I cannot heal. She is the battle I can never win. Thus, the wisest general shall raise the white flag to save themselves. Just like that I gave in when her luscious lips met mine for a hungry kiss that I waited long enough. Her lips, her skin, her whole being feels like heaven and I knew there and then I have no escape from her, no matter how far I run away.
When our shared kiss ended with a desire to breath an air, she looked me right in the eye and said

"Give me the Athens and I will give you myself."

A/N: Hope you guys are happy.

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