Chapter 15- Anahita

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Perhaps, it was the longest night I've ever encountered in my life. After surrendering myself to her, I thought through her proposal. With one meaningful look, she left me with my messed thoughts. It is hard to believe she actually proposed that. It is undeniably true that she is, indeed, unearthly beautiful to cause thousands of men's death but it is not easy to embrace the truth.


"Tell be about Athens, Amaltheia." I asked the girl next morning. We were currently enjoying the tea brewed by my maids.
"It is a beautiful city. So lively and busy. Many and many poets, artists, philosophers. The city comes alive with the creativity of its people. Magnificent palaces and sculptures. To be honest, your grace, I feel like it is a heaven on earth." She explained with the same sparkles in her eyes. I smiled at her enthusiasm. After a week knowing her, I still fails to understand how they can be so different. One sees the Athens as heaven and one wishes to make it a burning hell. Perfect sync of an angel and devil.

"Arista, escort my advisers." I ordered the head of my Immortals. He bowed down and left.
Soon the proclaimed brightest minds of Persians entered my chamber with their dark and gold robes.
"My lords, as an empress I failed to fulfill my duty. It has been a great burden to decide the fate of the war onhold. As a father's daughter, it is my solemn wish to revenge his death. However, I do not want to witness the ruin of Athens, which I personally sees us a center of knowledge and arts." I explained my inner conflict to them.

"Your grace, the name of yours shall written with your achievements in the  history. The great king Darius died trying to seize Greek. The young king Xerxes died with the wish to possess Greek. They both wanted to be the one who conquered this damned country. As your loyal servant, I want you to be the one who finally achieved the wish of our people and the bearer of victory." One of the oldest adviser of mine said. 
"If your grace do not wish to ruin the city, we could send them a messenger and demand them to surrender to your royal highness's great rule. It is the as far as your grace's generosity could expand. " a young one this time suggested.
Making up my mind, I decided to leave the fate of Athens to themselves.
"Send them my messenger." I finally ordered after the months of inner crisis.
If they surrender, there is no reason to shed a blood as they will become the part of my magnificent empire. If not, I will have no choice but to direct my sword to the Athens.


"Amaltheia, do you wish to see your sister?" I asked the girl, knowing that her parents revealed her the truth, later that evening when we were both strolling through the forest.

" what is she like? " the young girl asked after taking a moment to respond.
"Well, she is the greatest warrior of Persia. No one can defeat her in a single combat. She is a brilliant commander, never experienced a defeat. She was my father's favorite commander." I said, smiling at the memory of my father's fondness towards her.
Amaltheia seemed interested in my describing of her sister so I continued,
"Also, she is so brave that one time when a traitor of our empire tried to kidnap me, she saved me even though it nearly killed her. She is usually so quiet, I always fail to tell what she is thinking. She prefers to be alone but never told me not to bother her when I stay at her side. Oh, also she is so fierce, many people fears her, I mean soldiers literally shake when she is around.' I laughed a little which also put a small smile on her face.
"Needless to say, she is incredibly beautiful. She doesn't smile much but when she does, it takes my breath away. Even though she seems cold and scary, I know that there is a warm and caring person inside of her." I said, gazing dreamingly at the stars shining above.
"How do you know that?" Amaltheia asked, sitting beside me on the grass.
"Because when she embraces me, she feels like the warmest and safest place on earth. No cold and despiteful person can offer that much closeness." I answered few moment later.
"Pardon me, your grace. But you sounds as if you are in love with my sister." She said to my surprise.
"I am very much in love with your sister, Amaltheia. From the beginning." I said to her, causing that heartwarming smile to appear on her face once again.


Back at my chambers, Daphne was waiting for me.
"My empress." She knelt down.
"You may rise, Daphne. Why are you here?" I asked
She looked hurt by my question but it is crystal clear that I have no need to explain my doings to her, especially the last night.
"I'd like you to not enter my chambers unless I summon you, Daphne. You may leave now." Without a word she existed my chambers leaving me with my messed thoughts just like how Artemisia left me.

When I close my eyes, I could still see her chest moving with her heavy breathing, her burning gaze which do not focus on anything else beside me, slightly open lips that offer me the most melodic moans, a man can dream to hear. I feel the insanity creeping into my mind, the walls I tried to build shattering with the single image of her.
Right then and there, I understood I am insane enough to murder every single Athenians for her. With the new acknowledgement of myself, I prayed the gods that Athenians wont give me the reason to slaughter them.


Early in the morning, I summoned every commander and generals. On the golden throne of Persia, I was sitting with the anxious feeling settling inside of me. It was time. The time I should decide the future of not only Greeks but the Persians. The generals entered the great hall with their usual dark armors with the golden sigil of eagle. There she was, with her glory and signature fierce look, gazing at me with curiosity and mischiefness.

"Please be seated, my generals." I ordered when they all knelt down.
"The reason we are here is obvious as a rising sun in the horizon. I recently sent my messenger to Athens, demanding them to surrender to our empire and my messenger came back this dawn. Let us see the fate Athenians chose." After I said it, Arista escorted my messenger to the great hall.
Moment later, I have to give my order, depending on the reply of Athenians. To all the gods above, I prayed that their decision is to surrender without a war. But if they chose the fight, I will be with Artemisia. The messenger started to open his mouth but at the haze of my mind I could not hear the four words he uttered.
"What?" I asked again.
"They refused to surrender, my empress."
That's it. They refused to surrender. They refused the last chance I gave them. Now my decision is clear as a sky. If the gods want me to tear down every house, murder every child of Athens, so be it.
The hall was quiet, waiting for me to rise from my throne.
I looked at her, connecting our gazes and then I rised.

"I, empress Anahita of Persia, now announce that we are at war against Greeks. For glory's sake... For vengeance's sake... I command you to conquer the city of Athens."
The warriors, the generals, the commanders all knelt down as a acceptance of my order.
The war is coming to Greece once again but this time it was different. This time they chose their own doom and this time I vow that it will be the last time.

The war horn of Persians ushered every soldier to prepare for the great battle.
The time has come for Artemisia. Every second passing by promises her solemn wish will soon come true.


"You must be preparing for the war, commander ." I said, sensing the presence of her at my back. I was currently sipping the goblet of wine while gazing at my armor on the wall. It was a blood red armor with the dark edges. The golden eagle of my house craved elegantly on the chest. Soon I will be wearing them for the first time as a empress, as a leader of Persian army. I do not wish to be the one who led them into a doom while wearing this proud armor for empress.
Cutting my thoughts, her arms snaked around my waist from behind. Feeling her warm presence at my back, made me feel warm and secure once again. Maybe this feeling is the reason why I fail to push her away every single time. Surrendering, I just grabbed her hand and interwined our fingers. It doesnt matter how it is wrong to stay like this together after everything she has done. No matter what, it feels right, it always felt right, to be with her.
I turned my body around in her embrace. Our faces inches apart, her green eyes looking directly at my mine. I lovingly caressed her pale cheeks, thinking how did she made me this hopelessly in love. Slowly I leaned in, connecting our lips for tender and sweet kiss which she kissed back with same affection. It is her twisted way of acknowledging my love and effort.
"Burn down the Athens then come back to me."
I whispered while touching her forehead with mine. She kissed me once again as a reply and left.

"I love you, Artemisia." I whispered.
The words caused a single tear to run along my cheeks.

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