Chapter 12 - Amaltheia

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Artemis, the goddess of moon took over the reign of her brother, Apollo. At the time of moon, the peaceful silence assists the darkness. The warmth of Daphne feels comforting yet I had too many thoughts to embrace it to sleep. Just a year ago, I was a naive and dreamy princess of the king whose only desire was to steal a glance of the certain commander. Now, I'm the ruler of a whole nation and holding its fate to make it more majestic than ever or ruin it to erase its name from glory. Being a leader, proving my worth is harder than I ever dreamt but for my father's sake I shall protect the good name of him. My father, my brother both failed to defeat the Greeks and I want myself to be the one who succeeded at last. However, the culture, philosophy and mythology of the Greeks have never failed to make me admire them. In my mere opinion, they are too precious to be ruined and in a way it might be my weakness as a female monarch. I'm not thoughtless and barbaric as other tyrants, I have a respect and admiration towards the greatness of art and education.
At some point, my empire will fall as nothing in this realm has eternal time. However, even after great Persia falls, I want its glory to be remembered in the chains of history. I want my empire to be remembered by its greatness but how can I achieve this greatness that could last centuries?
"What is troubling you, your grace?" Daphne whispered suddenly.
"Oh, did I wake you?" I asked but the maiden shook her head as disagreement.
"Just go back to sleep." I said and she snuggled closer, making herself more comfortable.
"When my father said he is giving me to the Persians, I despised him because ever since I was little he was more father to his people than to me and now he sacrificed me to save his people. I imagined myself becoming slave to some old barbaric tyrant." She chuckled at the last part and it didn't failed to put a smile on my face as well.
"It was too unfair and too intolerable. Even on the way here I was so frustrated and kept thinking why should I be in misery instead of them. But when I saw you, all I left thinking was how I am fortunate to witness the glory of your majesty. You were far too beautiful and graceful than I have ever imagined." Daphne said which made me blush.
"I'm glad you didn't end up becoming slave to an old man. You are too beautiful to go through that misfortune." I replied after awhile.
I felt her smile against my neck but I did not expect nibbling of her lips on it.
"Let's rest for the night, Daphne." I politely rejected her but cursed myself for being unable to accept the young maiden's affection.

Next morning, some of the generals requested an audience but I rejected them since I haven't made up my mind. Instead of meeting them, I decided to spend the day with Daphne.
"Since you are from here, I believe you are suitable to be my guide. I wish to explore the new land of my empire." I said to Daphne which she gladly accepted.
At the outside of my private quarters, my milky white horse awaits with my Immortals.
I motioned Daphne to get on the horse and she wordlessly obliged.
"Where is your horse, your grace?" She said while tilting her head.
"You are on it." I replied smirking. Before she understood the meaning of my words I quickly mount behind her, locking her in my arms.
I felt the maiden tense up but calmed down afterwards.
"Now where to? My beloved guide." I whispered in her ear.
"I-I'd like you to see the waterfall not far from here, your majesty." She stuttered.
During the ride, I could feel the Daphne's soft body pressed firmly against mine and it did not failed to fuel the desire in me. She did not feel ungodly perfect like Artemisia but she was undoubtably one of the fairest and finest maiden out there.
"We are here, your grace." She said and then I realized we are indeed in front of a very private waterfall surrounded by deep green rainforest. I ordered my immortals to check around the area and took their place far away from our privacy but enough to protect us when in need. After we left alone to admire the waterfall, I undressed myself in front of her and dived into the water.
"Get in here." I ordered her and when she took of her layers of clothing one by one, I stared at her shamelessly. Indeed she is a fine sculpture of a god where he might have worked for days and nights. Her naked form is enough to start a war between men and end thousands of their lives. When she swam to my side, I took her in my arms which she responded by wrapping her legs around my waist. I started kissing her lips and moved downwards to her neck. Daphne moans as I pin her against a smooth rock behind us. I retreated to look at her eyes after I started moving my hips against hers. Her eyes were closed behind her thick curtains of lashes. Daphne's moans got louder when I increased my pace and she crashed her smooth lips to mine. I moan in her mouth, feeling the fiery sensation of lust taking over me between my thighs. Soon enough, Daphne started shivering in my arms and screaming loudly. Her face showed full state of bliss when she quakes against me, which caused same eruption to explode inside of me. I buried my face between her breasts, bit the soft flesh to muffle my own screams. Once we calmed down, I seek to catch a glimpse of her eyes again. She was already looking at me with sparkling eyes but it wasn't the fiery green eyes I love to gaze. The sudden thought did not failed to remind me she is not the one whom my heart desire. However, I learned to accept the truth that she will never be mine. In attempt to hide my sudden mood change, I held her tightly and looked around the waterfall. But the deep green forest around it just made me miss the commander more.

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