Chapter 10

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"Finn, wake up!" An angry voice shouts as I slowly rise from my deep sleep, I feel my body being shaken relentlessly, "GET UP, MAN!" I open my eyes slightly to see Poe hovering about me annoyed and anxious, his next sentence is jumbled and I only hear him say Rey's name.

"She's right beside me, now let me sleep," I remember how she had slowly slipped out of my grip and curled up beside me later in the night.

"She's leaving..." Poe says sternly, and my eyes fly open and I stare at him for a moment before looking around the room, her body no longer next to mine.

"What?" I heard him, yet I don't understand.

"Rey, I just saw her loading the Falcon!" I am out of the door as he says the last word.

I rush down the corridors, it feels as if they won't end as I constantly weave and dodge everyone in my way. I burst into the open air. I search for the large freighter, seeing it in the distance, at the end of the tarmac, I run towards it.

"Rey!" My voice echoes against the trees, people stop and look at me as I rush towards the ship; begging I can make it before it takes off. I see her loading a crate in the dark dawn light. I continue to run to her, she walks up the ramp, but re-emerges a few moments later.
"Rey..." Her name shatters through the air as it catches in my throat, she sees me, I take the final paces towards her; grasping her hand in mine.

"Don't touch me," She struggles out of my grip. I am disorientated by her rejection and I don't know what to say; I just stare at her for a while. She is conflicted, I can tell, her face is strong and angry, but her eyes show a misery I've never seen before.

"Where are you going?" I finally ask.

"Back where I belong," She answers, as if it was obvious.

"Jakku?" I ask, I'm confused as to why she'd return to somewhere that has only brought her pain.

"No, to Luke,"

"But he is here..." I don't understand.

"No he isn't I told you he was going to leave," I do remember her saying he only returned to see the General, Rey continues before I can apologise for forgetting, "When I flew him back to the island he told me I needed to return; complete my training." My mouth slips open.

"What? You took him back, when?" I don't understand how she could leave and I wouldn't know about it. Then I remember how I thought she was avoiding me, she was really in another star system. The fact Rey left without telling me feels like a light has been shone in my eyes, and I can't look at her anymore.

"I have to go," I can't quite comprehend exactly what is happening. I notice behind her purple wildflowers grow beautifully up a small hill into disappear into the tree line. The dew on the petals shines in the light of the rising sun; they seem to surround Rey like a frame. I wish I could capture this moment, especially if it will be the last time I see her.

"No," I whisper, unsure what else to say, "No," I repeat, "You told me that you came back, for me," I whisper. I take her hand, she fidgets in my grip but I intertwine our fingers tightly.

"I know," her shoulders slump and her eyes don't meet mine.

"You said you wouldn't leave me," I remember her lips pressed to my neck the first time I had seen her again. I step closer to her, "I don't understand," She tries to turn away from me, but I grab her shoulder, a painful anger bubbles deep inside me, and it makes me feel sick. "Don't turn away from me," My voice rumbles profoundly around us, I feel her flinch and it makes my stomach churn, "Rey," I whine, "please, don't go..." I whisper desperately. I take our hands, spreading her palm against the left side of my chest, "stay here, you can't leave again," I wonder if she can feel my heart breaking as she shakes her head.

"I need to go," she slips her hand out of my grip. "My mind is too clouded by you, you confuse me," I close my eyes, not this again, "I need to train..." She adds, trying to justify herself further.

"But we protect each other, I can't look after you if you're half a galaxy away..." Rey steps back as if she is repulsed by me.

"I can look after myself, Finn, I was doing just fine until you came into my life." My face drops as her words hit me with such intensity. The sun's rays begin to splinter across the sky and softly light Rey's face.

"I – I," I can't form a sentence; I have lost all sense of a logical argument.

"I need to have control, and you need to help the resistance," She takes another step back, "We need different things, Finn." I can see that her mind is made up by the way she keeps nods and walks up the ramp into the Falcon.

"I need you..." I whisper, knowing she cannot hear me. The ship slowly rises from the ground; the purple wildflowers sway in the wake of the blasting engines as the freighter flies towards the rising sun leaving me alone on the tarmac.

The sun is completely visible by the time I hear a voice, "Did she leave?" Poe asks quietly beside me as I stare at the empty space in front of me, I nod. "Why did you let her go, buddy?" I turn to him my mouth parted with surprise and my eyebrows furrowed in abhorrence.

"What?" my voice is low and foreboding, "Do you think I wanted her too?" My hands clench and un-clench as I resist the urge to bury my fists into anything close by, I hate the violent adrenaline that pulses in me; it is such a rare feeling it makes me ill.

Poe shakes his head, "No I didn't mean it like that. Why did you let her go without you?" He slowly rubs my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"Because she doesn't want me-" I look towards him, "I confuse her..." I add and Poe rolls his eyes.

"Women, honestly, they can be so stubborn,"

"Stubborn?" I ask, unsure what he means.

"I've seen how she looks at you; she just doesn't understand that she likes you,"

"No, she told me she liked me, but she doesn't want to,"

"She doesn't understand how much she likes you if she believes she can have control over it,"

"She wants to though, that's why she left," Poe laughs to himself, squeezing my shoulder.

"She will figure it out the hard way then," He leaves me there in themorning light.

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