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In the peace and quiet of the motel room, I stared up at the ceiling and wondered if heaven sucked as much as its angels, and whether or not my mother was up there. The clock on the nightstand flashed 11:30. I sat up, mindful of my stitched side, and clicked on the TV. Flipping through the channels, I passed on Top Gun, Mission Impossible, and Casablanca.

Before I found anything worth watching, a soft knock came at the door. Pulling the loaded gun from under my pillow, I stepped out of the salt ring around the queen sized bed and approached the door. On my tip toes, I looked through the peep hole to see Dean.

I shouted Christo to see if he was possessed. Nothing.

"It's me Carrie, open the damn door it's freezing out here!" Dean replied.

Removing the chain, unlocking the deadbolt, and lowering the gun I opened it for him. "What?"

He held up two six-packs. "I brought beer."

I sighed and moved aside to let him in. He put the beers down on the small table by the window and pulled one of the two chairs up next to the bed. Reaching over, he grabbed two beers and handed me one. Neither one of us said anything as I continued flipping through the channels.

"We're going back to South Dakota." Dean said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Because?"

Dean kicked off his boots and put his feet up on the bed. "Because Bobby thinks he has something that might be able to help us."

I nodded. "When are we leaving?"


I took a  swig of beer and finished it in three long gulps, handing the empty bottle over to him.

Dean handed me another. "So are you gonna pick something, or are you just going to keep changing channels?"

I popped the bottle open. "If you don't like it, you can go back to the other room."

"After all we've been through?" Dean put his non-beer holding hand over his heart. "I'm so hurt."

I rolled my eyes. "Bitch."

Dean smiled. "You know, I kinda like it when you get sassy."

I turned my head and looked at him. "If you think I'm going to sleep with you, I'm gonna have to kick your ass again."

"What? Come on, Carrie. What kind of guy do you think I am?"

"The kind that sleeps with strange women in sleazy motels."

He started to protest, then nodded and took a drink.

I laughed for the first time. "I don't know what's worse, the fact that you're a pig or the fact that you know you're a pig."

He grinned. "Whatever gets you off baby doll."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He laughed and finished off his beer. Twisting the top on his next one, he focused on the TV. I couldn't look away from him sitting there, jeans and a T-shirt, legs crossed on the bed, with a beer in his hand. He looked so...normal. Seven years it had been since I'd done anything "normal." Seven years it had been since I let anyone in. Seven years since I started Hunting, and only once did I partner with somebody on a job; with the Winchesters.

This man sitting beside me was arrogant, cocky, stubborn, controlling, and the most loyal human being I had ever met. It had only been a few weeks, and he'd saved my life. His brother had to convince me at one point that Dean actually cared about someone other than himself. Now? Now I could count on him to be there anytime I needed him to be.

"I never did say thank you." I picked at the label on my beer bottle.

"For?" Dean raised his eyebrows at me.

"For the warehouse, for not just leaving me there after you got Bobby." I looked up at him.

The original Godzilla came on the TV, but Dean didn't avert his eyes. He slowly shook his head. "I won't leave you."

My cheeks burned.

He cleared his throat. "I won't leave anyone behind on a Hunt."

Dean chugged the last of his second beer and opened a third. I sat on the bed and stared at the TV contemplating what the hell I had gotten myself into. Angels wanting to possess people, finding my long lost crippled father, Dean Winchester making some pretty obvious moves on me, and me letting it happen; almost wanting it to happen.

I gulped down my beer and Dean handed me another. Get a hold of yourself Carrie.

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