The End of the Line

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"Dammit Sammy!" Dean threw the phone across the apartment. "How the hell are we supposed to find her now?"

Sam leaned against the wall and rubbed his temples. "Well, this is obviously where Crowley got her. So we know that much."

Dean whirled around. "That doesn't help us! We don't know what he wants, we don't know where to look, and now what?"

"Dean, just...just hold on!" Sam paused. "I can make a deal."

"No, no way Sam. You're not making any deals." Dean turned toward the counter in the kitchen, and noticed a bloodstain on the faded linoleum. He knelt down to examine it further. "Sammy, you gotta promise me something."

"No Dean! You can't try to make a deal with Crowley. You've already been to hell and back. Carrie would kill you if you-"

Dean held up his hand, and realization sunk in. "I promised Bobby I was bringing her back no matter what. There are things at work here you don't understand Sammy, I'm the one who needs to make the deal."

"Why? Why do you have to always be the one to sacrifice yourself? Why can't you, for once, let me do this?" Sam yelled.

Dean wasn't thinking straight. He didn't hold his tongue when he should have. "Because she has to say yes!"

"What are you talking about?"

Dean sighed, and his voice went monotone. "She has to say yes to Naomi. The only way she would say yes is if I make a deal with Crowley, I have to be out of the picture."

"Wh...what?" All the heat from Sam's words were gone and his shoulder fell.

"Cas came and healed Carrie, after we got Bobby. He said the only way to defeat Naomi is to trap her inside Carrie."

"So you've just been looking for her so we can kill her?!" Sam charged at Dean.

Dean sidestepped a punch. "No Sam! Carrie has to be her vessel so Cas can-"

"You're putting her at risk! Dean, you of all people.."

"There is no other way Sam! I can't save her. It kills me, but I can't. I have to be the one to die so that she can live and dammit, she's gonna live as long as I'm still kicking."

Sam pursed his lips and stared at the ground.

"Take care of her Sammy." Dean punched Sam square in the jaw, knocking him unconscious.

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