South Dakota [Part 2]

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When you travel with complete strangers, you never think that one of them might snore like a bear with the flu. Sam was the Winchester's sick bear. Every ten minutes or so, Dean would blare the music and turn it back down to normal, causing Sam to startle awake. Sam got mad every time, and Dean laughed every time.

A few hours after their snore dance started, Dean pulled the Impala into a run down bar. We passed two McDonald's, a Taco Bell, a mom and pop Italian restaurant, and a Denny's. Dean chose to drive past all of them and thought this rat house was the best option. I just glared at him.

He ignored me and got out of the parked car.

"You couldn't have picked the Denny's?" Sam asked.

Dean brought Bobby's wheel chair from the trunk. "This place has character!"

"You mean beer." Sam got out and walked toward the door.

Bobby got into his chair and wheeled after him. "Hey Samantha, I'm sure they've got a kid's menu here."

Dean laughed and held to door open. "You coming?" He asked.

I unbuckled the seat belt and followed him inside. The second the dank smell tickled my nostrils, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I glanced around to try and pin point anything out of the ordinary. Nothing.

Sam and Bobby sat near the bar and waved us over when we walked in. Dean went to the bar and ordered a round of beers, nachos, fries, and cherry pie. I sat opposite Sam facing the door, unable to shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

"Carrie. Carrie!" Sam waved a hand in front of my face. "Anyone home in there?"

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I've been trying to find where angel grace might be, and there have been a bunch of freak meteor showers over the past eighty years. The last one to be recorded was," Sam flipped through his notebook. "A few months ago in Savannah."

"Alright. So we go and try and find the angel there." Leaned back as Dean set a beer on the table in front of me.

"Not exactly. The shower covered 150 square miles. The center of it was Savannah." He unfolded a map with a giant red circle on it, colored pencils rolling onto the table.

"If I knew you were into coloring, I would have bought you a princess coloring book at the last gas station." I took a drink of my beer.

A waitress sauntered over with a tray of food in hand, and her overly lined beady eyes sighted on Dean. "Here's your food sugar."

Dean smiled back at her. "Thank you..." He trailed off and took way too long reading her name tag. "Julie."

Sam, Bobby, and I rolled our eyes in sync.

"Here." She plopped a drink down in front of me. "From the  guy in the back corner."

I looked around to see the guy, but his back was turned to me.

"Anything else I can do for you?" Julie licked her lips at Dean.

"Yeah, can we get another round of beers? Thanks Julie." Bobby gave her a dry smile, and she huffed away.

I stared at the drink and my hairs stood one end. Again. It was a double whiskey, neat. "I'll be right back."

Dean didn't look up from the nachos, and Sam was telling him to wipe the sour cream off his mouth. Bobby raised an eyebrow at me as I walked toward the man in the corner.

I put the drink on the table. "What the hell is this?"

He turned and looked at me. "It's good to see you again Carrie."

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