Vomit Comet

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*Carrie's P.O.V.*

I don't know what's worse; the torture or the vomit. It started three sessions ago when Tiny and Gladys decided to feed me some spoonfuls of fish-guts-bucket. I had to have been down here for weeks, judging by the length of my fingernails which hadn't been pulled off and by the length of those that had been removed.

Even though I thought Sam and Dean were taking longer than they should have, I still had hope. But any remnants of that was completely gone now. If they were coming, they would have been here by now. The one "good" thing about being here was Naomi hadn't once paid me a visit. I attributed that to angels not being allowed in hell.

The door to my cell swung open, and Tiny walked in followed by none other than Crowley.

I vomited everywhere.

"Charming as always I see." Crowley didn't bat an eye. Instead, he handed a set of keys to Tiny. "Ms.Singer, I'm pleased to inform you that as of today you will no longer be my guest."

"Why?" My voice was a whisper.

Noises rattled down the corridor. "It seems someone decided to post bail." Crowley turned and ushered two demons into the cell.

My heart stopped beating. I stopped breathing.

"Carrie?" Dean said. He began to struggle against the demons. "Crowley you son of a bitch!"

Tiny came forward and unlocked my ankles. Though I was no longer bound to the floor, the shackles began embedding into my skin. My wrists were raw enough that I dropped to the ground, landing in vomit and blood and feces. My whole body was weak and useless.

"Carrie, run!" Dean again attempted to best his captors. Only this time, Tiny went to the aid of his comrades and Dean ended up locked in the same spot I had just been.

He peered down at me with tears on his face. "I'm so sorry Carrie, for everything. Sam... Sam's waiting for you."

Tiny grabbed my feet and began dragging me through the sludge toward the door. Dean hung from the ceiling before Crowley, who had his back turned to Dean. A smile spread wide across the demon's face as I was pulled out of view. After a few seconds, I began to hear the most gut wrenching screams pierce my eardrums and cut into my heart.

The last thing I heard in hell was Dean Winchester screaming my name.

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