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SCP-017 "Shadow Person":

SCP-017 is a humanoid figure approximately 80 centimetres in height, anatomically similar to a small child, but with no discernible identifying features. SCP-017 seems to be composed of a shadowy, smoke like shroud. SCP-017's reaction to shadows cast upon it is immediate and swift. SCP-017 leaps at the object casting the shadow and completely encloses it in its shroud, whereupon it returns to its normal size, leaving no trace of the object behind.

SCP-049 "Plague Doctor":

SCP-049 is humanoid in appearance, standing at 1.9 m tall and weighing 95.3 kg; however, it is currently impossible to study its face and body more fully, as it is covered in what appears to be the traditional garb of the 15-16th century "Plague Doctor".

SCP-049 is completely docile until it tries to perform surgery. SCP-049's touch is invariably lethal to humans. After contact with SCP-049's hands, the victim suffers [DATA EXPUNGED] and dies within seconds. SCP-049 will then attempt to kill all humans it can see in a similar manner, supposedly to avoid interruption, before returning to the initial victim. It produces a bag made of [DATA EXPUNGED], containing scalpels, needle, thread, and several vials of a yet unidentified substance from somewhere within its body and begins dissecting the victim. After approximately 20 minutes, SCP-049 will sew the victim back up and become docile once more. After a few minutes, the victim will resume vital signs and appear to reanimate. However, the victim seems to be completely lacking higher brain functions, and will wander aimlessly until it encounters another living human. At that point, the initial victim's adrenaline and endorphin levels increase to approximately 300% and as it attempts to kill and [DATA EXPUNGED] any human it can find, before returning to its docile state. At this stage, termination with extreme prejudice is allowed.

SCP-096 "Shy Guy":

SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each.

SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of its time pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it is directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately 1-2 minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will being running to the person who viewed its face.

Documented speeds have varied from thirty five km/h to [DATA EXPUNGED] km/h, and seem to depend on distance from the victim. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. Upon arriving at the victim's location, SCP-096 will proceed to kill the victim. 100% of cases have left no trace of the victim. SCP-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again. It will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat, [DATA REDACTED].

SCP-106 "The Old Man":

SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the "rotting" quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, and then pull prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

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