Chapter 1

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I was shaken awake by a prisoner in the back of the truck. The first thing I noticed was that we were in the middle of nowhere. Looking around, everything was flat and covered with grass, as if we were on a blank piece of green paper. The only noticeable building in sight was an enormous, grey complex building. There was a logo on one of the walls, and under the logo stated "Secure, Contain, Protect" in white, bold letters. The truck came to a slow stop, and quickly after the back doors opened, the prison convicts and I slid out. I realized our hand cuffs must have been unlocked while we were out, but I pushed that unimportant thought aside. More importantly: where are we? "Please fellow D-Class personnel, follow me." I assumed by D-Class personnel, he meant us. Complying with his orders, we followed him into the first room in the building. I must say it was smaller than I expected initially after seeing the large building from the truck's windows. However, my "disappointment" was gone when a small set of elevator doors opened across the room. Stepping in, I saw no buttons on the interior of the elevator. Surprisingly, as soon as the officer stepped in, the doors shut and we started to move. We must have been there for at least 5-10 minutes before slowing down and ceasing movement entirely. The metal doors opened into an enormous hall; with a cafeteria in the centre, cells lined around the edges, and stairs up to another level with more cells. Thinking about it, I was quite hungry. I had no idea what time it was however, as I had no idea how long I had been unconscious. After grabbing some food off a counter, I went to sit down with the group of men I had been taken here with. "Anyone know anything about this place?" I asked hopefully. Nobody lifted their head to speak; the table was silent. They must have been just as confused as I am to what "The Foundation" is. I'll need to figure out what is up here tomorrow, as when I came in it was already becoming dark and its summer, so it would get dark decently late. Suddenly, a voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "Attention, D-Class personnel, please return to your cells immediately. Thank you for your co-operation." "Something's up" the man sitting next to me whispered nervously. Soon, you could hear nothing except the quiet murmurs of men echo throughout the cafeteria. Something is very strange here; if anything does happen, I would rather be protected by my cell than be out in the open. An officer approached me and showed me the way to my cell; after all, there are dozens in this room alone. The entire walk up to my cell, up the stairs and down a hallway, I noticed some kind of movement in the corner of my eye. I ignored it; I mean it could just be an after-effect of the knock out gas or something of the sort. The officer opened the gate to my cell, and after I had entered he pressed a button on his remote, which in turn shut the door. I lied down on the cold, hard "bed" where I would be sleeping for the next month. Even in my cell, quickly turning my head would bring back the quick flicker in the corner of my vision. After a few minutes of silence, an announcement was made over the loudspeaker. "All D-Class level 3 personnel, report to SCP-939's cell immediately-" The message was ended abruptly. My cell door sparked and flew open, right before the entire facility went dark. I clung to my bed in fear, however it only took a few seconds for the generator to kick in, and then the lights came back on. I quickly dashed out of my cell, looking for a possible escape route. "All personnel evacuate the premises; there has been a Keter-class containment breach. I repeat, there has been a Keter-class contain-" The man didn't finish his announcement. The power flickered off and again, and the announcer was hanging out the window of his room. Turning to my right, I saw a... thing. It looked like a concrete statue. "SAVE YOURSELVES!" the D-Class in the cell next to me yelled. I tried to find him in his cell, but he wasn't there. His entire cell was lined with a black substance, and I saw his outstretched hand lower into the floor as if it was made of quicksand. As I caught my breath, I heard something. "He-hello? Is anyone there?" a nervous voice spoke over the loudspeaker. "I'm here! I'm coming up to save you" I stated "confidently". The personnel seemed to be in extreme distress; at least it seemed that way, from my impression of her distorted voice over the speaker. So I made my way over to the staircase which lead up to the announcer's room. "Hello? I'm here to help you." I said as I walked into the hallway. I saw no one in the room upon entry. "Hello? Are you still out there?" I heard the same voice over the loudspeaker. Now I had a clear view of the "personnel": there was no person talking into the loudspeaker. A short, long, animal like creature was instead standing by the loudspeaker, synthesizing the voice of a real scientist. Suddenly, it stopped talking and sniffed in a whiff of air. With startling speed, it turned its terrible head in my direction. It had no eyes; but it did have a large mouth with extremely sharp teeth. The slow walking pace of the creature was agonizing; as if I was sluggishly dying of a lethal poison. Once I saw its claw step past the corner in which I was hiding, I couldn't take it. Without thought, I jumped over the creature and started towards the window, which in turn startled the creature. I leapt off the dashboard, pulling my legs towards myself as I dove out the high window. With no chance to stop, my left leg buckled under my own body weight onto the metallic walkway beneath. The pain was strong; nevertheless, I needed to stay focused on the task at hand.

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