Chapter 5

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With a groan, the doors grudgingly opened. I gently tilted my head just well enough to see what was behind the doors, and I was seemingly safe for the time being. I also noticed a table, and all this running is quite tiring. So I decided to sit down and gain my bearings again before starting once more. There was actually a drink machine, but it seemed to be coin operated. If one of these weird things was an on demand coin, that would just be superb. Unfortunately, I had no time to rest as a black hole materialized into the ceiling and a corpse fell out, breaking a nearby table. Followed by the corpse was a black head, and I could not face that thing again. So with that, I ran for my life. Again. In a rush, I passed through around 6 doorways while all the while shutting the doors behind me. After quickly spinning around, I was met by the excruciatingly close face of the statue that I encountered when I first left the cell. As I backed up towards the doorway, I blinked. Upon re-opening, the statue was within an inch of my face. Of course, this startled me. So I backed up a lot less slowly and shut the door behind me. I then proceeded to once again run for my life as I found myself in a small claustrophobic room with an isolated seething pot of what looked like acid in the centre of the room. My acid hypothesis was confirmed when a tail flicked out of the heat, splashing the liquid onto the metallic floor. The spot where the acid landed instantly melted. However, after a second of realization, I saw that there was indeed a living creature in the acid with a tail. Now, any creature that could live in those conditions must be ridiculously strong. I decided not to gamble with fate and slowly skulk along the wall until I reached the doorway. By the door way, I noticed a sticker similar to the one in the Old Man's facility. This one was also Keter; however, it was called SCP-682 "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile" and it also had "Sentient and Violent" as its cognito hazards. I didn't want to meet this "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile", so I pressed the button as to shut the door behind me.

Ahead of me I saw an open door that was ludicrously bright. Two things about this instantly struck me as weird: That a door was open and that it was bright. Then I remembered it could be the outside world, but it is just that bright due to the fact that I've been in dark/dim-lighted areas the entire time since the power went offline. As I walked through the door expecting to have the light fade into what the outside light usually is, it didn't. Then I realized I wasn't outside. I was simply in an enormous white room, lit up from all directions with light as if to highlight the entirely dark creature in the middle. The creature appeared to be just sitting there, so it wasn't openly aggressive at least. It also seemed to be completely made of shadows, as if it was covered in darkness. Maybe the reason the room is lit up so well as if not to create shadows in case of it hiding within the shadows? I pushed the unimportant thought aside as I walked out of the room. As I was walking out, the light flickered on in the room behind me, causing my shadow to flash onto the shadow being just as I shut the door. Instantly, the door was slammed into from the other side of the wall, causing the door to become deformed which in turn knocked me to the ground breathless and terrified. I pushed myself up against wall as I gasped for air; the deformed door slammed into my diaphragm. As I lay there in nearly pitch darkness, a voice called out from the other side of the T-junction in the hallway. I was about to pull myself up immediately and run over there, but then I realized it could just as easily be 939 trying to lure prey out before it devours them with its enormous sharp teeth. I decided to take a risk, but not be entirely care-free as to if I was wrong. So I carefully slid against the left corridor wall and crouched, peering out to see if 939 was in fact waiting for me. I heard a drop of water or something similar hit the metallic floor, so I slowly tilted my head as to see what made the sound. Within 5 feet of me at the most, was an animal like creature with an orange glow and enormous teeth, standing there; the sound being the drool coming from its mouth hitting the ground. I froze, petrified that it would sense my movements and snatch me up like the many other unfortunate test subjects in this awful place. After a few seconds of lying in wait, the creature turned around and started pacing back down the corridor. All it took was a simple breath of relief. That is all it took. The thing turned, loudly exhaling through its nose all the while. I turned my head to the right and saw another elevator. I once again, in fear that I wouldn't have the opportunity later, stood up and put all my energy into the action of running towards the elevator. When I glanced back quickly, there was not only one 939, but two. As they chased me, they called out in various voices resembling the death cries of various personnel. Rolling into the elevator, I flung my hand up towards the elevator 'up arrow' while the 939s quickly approached me. The process of the door shutting was painstakingly slow. I watched as another D-Class walked out into the hallway and was pounced on by one of the 939s; however the other one was rapidly closing in to me. I pushed myself as far as I could against the wall of the elevator, and the doors were almost closed. I couldn't watch; the 939 was practically in the elevator. "AAAAAHHHRRRGGGG" was the last sound the 939 made before it leapt into the closing elevator doors. Only its head made it through, and once the elevator started to slowly ascend, the only thing left of the 939 was its head as the rest of its body was sliced cleanly off by the roof of the elevator entrance-arch. I was forced to slowly wait with the dead creature squirting blood throughout the elevator. Fortunately, the elevator door opened before the blood could reach me. I kicked the head across the room and carried on. The injury in my side from the white creature earlier flared with pain, and if I didn't get to the hospital soon, I might've bled out. Across the room was another door. This door required no clearance, so I instinctively slowly pressed the button and poked my head through the door. I felt something wrap around my feet, and I tilted my head down to see 106 pulling me in with its head fully out of its portal. I smacked it in the face with my free foot and tried to wriggle free, but to no avail. The kick only seemed to aggravate it more as it pulled me in farther, up to my waist now. Since it only had a pull on my left foot, I let my shoe free and felt it fall into the lair of 106. I pulled myself out and rolled as far away as I could immediately from the portal so he couldn't take me down again. Looking around, I was legitimately outside. Although, it wasn't quite as warm as I expected. Helicopters flew amok, with 106 leaving and emerging from his portals as he pleased; the helicopters gunfire did absolutely nothing. He simply stood there; walking around slowly, pulling personnel down and the Foundation could do absolutely nothing about it. The statue was also here; however, he was under constant surveillance. Before I could say anything to the "guards" about a way to get out of this place, they dropped a large box with an open space on the bottom onto the statue. I could hear a sound of metallic clanging coming from the crate, and suddenly, a chain from one of the helicopters hooked onto the crate and started to lift it up. With no idea when the next available time to escape would be, and I didn't want to be 106's prey waiting for him on the ground, I ran towards the crate as swiftly as I could. Before the helicopter took off, I grabbed onto the crate and held on for my life, hoping this would be my way out of here. As it started to fly away, I saw a bird's eye view of the Foundation in ruin. Suddenly, the helicopter next to us was slammed into the ground. I looked to see what could do it before I saw an enormous tail, protruding from a hole in the Foundation's roof. The tail instantly flicked towards our helicopter, and while not damaging the helicopter, it severed the chain holding the crate to the helicopter. I jumped off the crate and flung my hand onto one of the helicopter's skids. I could see the crate break into several pieces as it hit the ground, isolating the statue in the middle of a field. One of the helicopter passengers extended a rope ladder for me to climb onto, and I did. So it was at this point that I watched the burning ruins of the Foundation as I could see the reptilian tail knocking more helicopters out of the air from afar. All I could say is that I was glad to be alive and out of that terrible, horrible place.

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