Chapter 3

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I must have had fallen asleep, because I awoke in a green room. This room had 8 halls branching off of it, each hall leading into darkness. I also felt disorientated, as if the room was slowly tilting to the side; probably the work of what I assume to be "The Old Man". There was no logic involved in this decision; I left it completely up to chance and chose the third hallway. As I hobbled through the narrow passage into the darkness, I found myself in an enormous room. Surveying the "room" to the best of my ability in such a state, I noticed that these weird humanoid figures were walking around. However, they were extremely deformed; some missing arms, legs, and having their legs attached to their back and arms, etc. I walked forward as quickly as possible, trying to escape whatever this place- the floor? - was. When I was limping towards the "end" of the room, I found myself cranking my neck up as if to look at the sky. What I was looking at I can't describe; it looked like a giant moth but with a singular eye on the underside that I was forced to stare at. Having no idea if it was simply a hallucination created to startle me or an actual being, I was so shaken that I basically ran in a blind panic, ignoring any injuries that I had. Thankfully the land was quite flat, so even with my leg injury I could make up ground relatively quickly. In the distance I could make out a black, slimy circle in the wall. Theoretically, I thought, if I was taken through one of these things, couldn't I use it as a way out as well? I was required to test this idea as I dove through the quickly approaching "portal" of sorts. And with a thud, I flew out of the portal and landed straight on my back, onto the floor. I quickly realized that I wasn't in SCP-106's "lair" anymore, or in his cage. I was in fact, lying on the ground in the middle of a hallway, with two doors beside me; one on each side of the hallway. Even though I now had a level 3 key card, neither of these rooms required any kind of special access whatsoever. So I first entered the room on the left, but all I found was a level 1 key card and a document for SCP-939. I was about to throw them both away but after seeing the picture on the document of SCP-939, I recognized it as the "personnel" on the loudspeaker. I skipped the Special Containment Procedures section and went straight to the description which read as follows: SCP-939 are endothermic, pack based predators which display atrophy of various systems similar to troglobitic organisms. Back to me; the first thing I noticed was that they referenced SCP-939 as not just one organism, but as a group. What if there were more of those things? With a shiver, I pushed the thought aside and skipped to the highlighted section: SCP-939's primary method of luring prey is the imitation of human speech in the voice of prior victims, though imitations of other species and active nocturnal hunts have been documented. SCP-939 vocalizations often imply significant distress; whether SCP-939 understands their vocalizations or is simply repeating previously heard phrases is the subject of ongoing study. Analysis of SCP-939 vocalizations cannot distinguish between SCP-939 and samples of known victim's voices. I folded the document in half and shoved it into my pocket. Who could I trust without seeing them? In the same room I was in, past the shelf was another door, looking identical to the one I passed through to reach the room that I was in presently. With a whoosh, the hydraulic door clicked open; revealing another hallway strikingly similar to the last. I thought of something that could definitely be odd enough for this place, so I opened all the doors that I could see. Once I had done this, I could see myself past the room in front of me, as if I had stepped in front of a portal. To make sure I wasn't hallucinating, I grabbed my key card and threw it as far as I could forward. Surprisingly, it hit me in the back. So it seems as if these two rooms are on a "loop" of sorts. I wonder if the room directly ahead is on loop as well; if so, I could be trapped. Creeping up to the door, I pressed the button and it opened quickly, fortunately showing me a new room and not the hallway I was presently standing in. 

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