Chapter 1-Apologies

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Hey guys, well I'm new on wattpad and you should know that I LOVE the hunger games, so yeah my books are probably going to be fanfics about it. I'll try to upload every night if I can and if you don't like  this book PLEASE comment to help me out. Oh yeah and I'm british so if anyone doesn't understand me just let me know coz I like my slang, I just wanted to try this so bye kiddies, enjoy :) xoxox

-----------------------------------------Chapter 1----------------------------------------


I woke up with sweat dripping down my face, shouting her name. Great, I had another nightmare. I’ve had one about her every night since we got back to the Victors’ Village. I can barely remember my nightmare, but I’m sure this is part of it:

I walk away after screaming at her. I told her I hated her and I was wish I had never loved her. As soon as I slam the door shut I start regretting everything I had just said. All of the things I said to her were lies. I start walking back ready to apologize but then I smell blood and roses, this can’t be good. Then I hear her screams. But by the time I get back it’s too late. She’s dead. I find a white rose over her heart and know this can only mean one thing, it was Snow.

I sit up and realise one thing, I have to apologize to Katniss about the things that I said on the train, before it’s too late. So I quickly get up and take a shower, then I put on some baggy jeans, green t-shirt and my old boots. I walk out of my door and towards the Seam, but then I remember that Katniss lives right next to me! So I trudge back and knock on her door. She doesn’t answer after a while so I guess she’s gone to town or hunting with Gale. I turn around to go back but I hear a faint click and turn back to see Katniss standing at the door.

“What do you want?” she snarls.

I am scared she’s just going to slam the door in my face so I just come out with it.

“I’m sorry.” I blurt out.

She looks a bit taken aback by this and says in a quiet voice. “For what?”

“For shouting at you on the train. I’m sorry for not being grateful that you saved me and for being so stupid I should have realized that you and Haymitch had a plan.” I say.

She smiles slightly but then looks worried. I can’t believe I forgot! The house is probably bugged! She shakes her head and gestures for me to follow her. We walk into town and into a dark alley.

“You know you are stupid sometimes, but you’re also almost always right. I’m sorry too, I didn’t have a plan with Haymitch but I should have talked to you after, I don’t blame you for being mad.” She tells me.

She looks down and starts to play with her fingers, I don’t know what to say so I just nod.

“Hey now that’s over with, do you wanna come to the Hob with me? I need to go grab Haymitch some liquor and I could use some company.” She asks.

“Sure.” I reply.

We start walking out and I grab her hand without thinking. I take it back quickly and say, blushing.

“Sorry, a habit I guess.”

“No it’s okay.” She says surprisingly and pulls my hand back gently.

Catching Fire-My Story STOPPED (sorry)Where stories live. Discover now