Chapter 4-Surprise (Katniss)

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So what did you think of the last chapter? Too short, dramatic, predictable? Comment guys!!! (This chapter is Katniss' POV btw)

----------Chapter 4----------


I ran straight to my house with tears streaming down my face. I heard someone following me but I didn't bother looking back. When I stopped I felt strong arms wrap around me. Peeta.

I sobbed while I thought about losing my family, I thought I had saved Prim when I volunteered. Maybe not. Who else would be killed? My mother, Gale my "cousin" and his family. Also the most obvious, Peeta. For some reason thinking of losing Peeta feels as bad as the thought of losing Prim. What NO! Nothing could be as bad as losing Prim.

But then I realise. I really do love him and I wasn't just pretending that's why I would die for him! Then I say out loud without thinking.

"I love you Peeta."

It is silent for a while. What have I done? He's going to act like he did on the train. Tell me to stop lying to him, walk out and just avoid me.

But he really shocks me, instead he just says.

"I love you too Katniss, you know I have since I first saw you."

Then we have our first real kiss. Without the whole of Panem watching that is. Who decides to walk in and ruin the moment? Haymitch of course!

"Hey lovebirds just decided to come to see if Katniss was OK. But I guess you've already got that sorted Peeta." he says waggling his eyebrows.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I hiss.

"Yeah well Peeta you have to go get ready anyway the victory tour starts today and your prep team will be here soon."

"Alright I'll see you later, no fighting." Peeta says to me smirking and blowing a kiss.

"Oi it's not my fault he's so annoying!" I shout as Peeta walks out.

"Haha so you and bread boy now huh?

"Shut up Haymitch."

"Woah calm down I was only asking! I'm surprised he still trusts you after you used him in the arena. You could live a hundred lifetimes and still not deserve him, you know."

"I know."

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