Chapter Eleven

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It has been a while since I have updated (well I think its been a while) anyway here is chapter 11. Enjoy ^_^


Sunday evening came sooner than they wanted, meaning Dan had to go back home, he couldn't stay at Phil's house forever. Phil walked Dan home, constantly apologising. Dan stopped at the end of the road.

"I think I should just go in by myself, I don't want him to be there and then for him to beat you up too," Dan said turning to Phil.

"Okay," Phil croaked. He kissed Dan on the forehead and gave him a hug, channeling all his love to him. "I'm sorry I couldn't be brave and be strong enough, but will you be brave for now?" Dan nodded and they parted their ways.

Phil arrived to and empty house, alone again. His parents didn't know and won't know the events of this night. He knew that they would send him to hospital and then keep him inside until he was well over 18, refuse to let him see Dan, brainwash him into the son they want and not what Phil wanted to be.

Dan arrived home. His mother was out, meaning Dan was about to receive a 'lesson' on why he can not be gay- wait. Richard was around Phil's house and he changed. Dan had no worries, so far so go. It wasn't often Dan would arrive home with no beating. Dan creaked up the stairs and pushed open his door, then to slump face first onto his bed, sighing loudly. Next thing Dan knew was that there was a large hand around his mouth and he was staring into the eyes of his step-dad.

"You thought you could escape me? You thought that I would let you be with Phil? You honestly fucking thought that I wouldn't remember how you left this house!? You're going to have to be punished." Dan's eyes widened and fear built up in his eyes, in his mind, in his heart. Fear filled his body as if it was the only emotion he could feel, the emotion he was brought up with. Fear was soon joined with pain, a sharp stinging sensation appeared in his stomach. Thumps and cracks rang in his ears, the sounds of bruises forming. Dan constantly winced in pain. Soon the pain that was being created by someone else, would soon be created by him.

Phil sat on his bed, hoping Dan was okay, deep down he knew he wasn't. To pass time Phil picked up his journal and began writing.

Today was eventful, well....defiantly different. It started off with Mum and Dan finding Dan self harming in the bathroom, as you can tell that didn't go down well. We told them everything, Dad didn't understand and so I had to reveal my secret to them, I had to show my scars. Making them leave a note telling me they had gone to a fucking hotel! Assholes! I felt that as my family can't accept me then I can't accept myself. It didn't cross my mind that Dan would be affected as much as he was...but I could tell that it hurt him. At this moment in time I fear that he is being beaten, even though Richard changed I don't believe he did.

Unfortunately Phil was right, Dan had been beaten and was now a bundle of confused, fearful mess in the corner of his room. Dan's arms were stained red, the bandages that Phil applied now laid in a scrappy mess. The blade that was used, was still being dragged across his skin. Opening his wounds and creating a closed world.


School was no different. Phil met Dan at the end of the road and they strolled to school, talking about video games and TV. Phil didn't want to bring up Richard at all incase Dan would freak out. Phil could tell that something happened as Dan was walking with a slight limp.

When they arrived they were greeted the same way they always were: "Alright fags, How was the butt sex, It's the emos!" They both ignored the words and pushed their way through to their tutor room.

Not much really happened during the morning, a few paper balls were thrown at them and the odd comments were tossed around. None of the teachers noticed and in all honesty, it didn't really bother Dan and Phil that much, due to the fact they have had worse. The bell rang signalling lunch. They sat on a table by themselves, munching on some sandwiches. Phil was scanning around the room when something caught his eye. Dan hadn't removed his bandages and today he wasn't wearing them. They must have gotten dirty or something, Phil thought. Dan raised his sandwich to his mouth and there it was, blood on his sleeve; meaning fresh cuts.

"You alright Phil?" Dan asked.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine," Phil replied not wanting to bring the subject up. "You know you can talk to me about anything okay?"

"Yeah I know that, thanks Phil."

Why? Why did Dan cut? I wish I could talk about it, but not here. Not now.


So theres chapter 11 guys, hope you enjoyed it. Remember to vote, comment and follow.

Till next time, bye ^_^

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