Chapter six

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say whattttttttttt 605 reads!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I'm gonna explode! well...not quite....Thank you to all the people who are reading/ voting/ commenting this fic it really means a lot to me. 


They had been walking for an hour now and they still hadn’t found a place to eat, well they just were so engrossed talking to each other that they forgot about finding somewhere to eat.  The clouds let rip and rain started falling. Dan stopped and held his hands out, like he was trying to hold the rain. He looked up and opened his mouth to catch the rain.

“You shouldn’t do that,” Phil said giggling.

“Oh yeah. Why not?” Dan said still holding his mouth open.

“Because you never know, a bird could poop and then it will go in your mouth.”

Dan quickly closed his mouth and stopped trying to eat the rain. “Somehow I think that is very unlikely.”

“You never know,” Phil said shrugging his shoulders. The rain started to get harder and they were dripping wet. Phil scanned the area and found a star bucks just down the road. He pointed and Dan swivelled around to see what his finger was showing him. “I think we should go there.” Dan nodded and they both jogged to safety.

It was quiet in there, not many people were in, and normal there would be quite a few. They walked up to the counter and joined the queue. Phil was scanning the menu above the staff and chose his food and drink.

“What do you want Dan?” Phil asked.

“Erm, I dunno.”

“Well what do you normal have at home, they might have it here.” Phil turned to find Dan looking right at him. Dan went to open his mouth to remind Phil; he remembered and held out his hand to stop him. “I’m sorry I forgot.”

“I will have what you’re having.” You see, Dan’s parents didn’t really feed Dan. They would cook their own meal but not Dan’s; because Dan didn’t know how to cook he would just live off sandwiches and school meals. They took their food to a corner table by the window, away from everyone else. It hadn’t even been 24 hours since they had met each other and yet they were like best friends, maybe more.

“Thank you Phil,” Dan said taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

“For what?”

“For helping me, being my friend. You’re the only friend I have ever had,” he continued to eat.

“You’re the only friend I’ve had too.” They ate in silence until Phil spotted Jordon and Sam outside the window. He ducked his head down and tried to show his face. Dan on the other hand was happily gazing into space, looking directly at them. “Dan don’t look out the window!” Phil harshly whispered.

“Huh? Why not-” Dan quickly realised that it was Jordan and Sam outside and he snapped his head away from the window. “Do you think we should leave?”

“ stay here they might just walked past,” Phil hoped. Hoping wasn’t enough. Jordan and Sam walked right into Star Bucks and went over to the counter. “I think we should leave now.” Dan and Phil picked up their jackets and left their plates at the table. Even though it was just two kids who went to their school, it was like they were secret agents hunting down Dan and Phil. The truth is that both of them knew that if they got spotted, bullying at school would become unbearable. They had almost made it out the door when Dan tripped on his own shoe lace, crashing into tables and chairs, he fell to the floor. If he had just fallen to the floor no one would of turned around to see, but because it had made such a loud clatter everyone turned around....including Jordan and Sam. Dan picked himself up and brushed all the dust off his jacket.

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