Chapter 1

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•Samantha's POV•

"Let's go, Sam!" Cameron yells from the kitchen. I grab my bags, and walk downstairs.

"Bye Mom." I say hugging her.

"Bye Sam. Love you." She says kissing my cheek. She hugs Cameron, and we say our last goodbyes before walking out of the door.

"You sure you have everything?" Cameron asks. I quickly check my pockets.

"My phone!" I yell. Cameron chuckles and I run inside.

"What did you forget?" Mom asks.

"My phone." I laugh. I grab it off of the counter.

"Have fun and be safe." Mom says. I nod.

"I will." I walk out to Cameron's car and get in. "How far away is this place?" I ask Cameron.

"An hour and a half." He answers. I grab my headphones and put them on blast. I end up falling asleep.


I wake up and we're at the house.

"Wake up Sam. We're here." Cameron says. He must've taken my headphones out because when I go to take them out, they're not there. I get out and grab my bags, but Nash is doing it already.

"NASHIE!" I yell. I run to him and jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. He spins me around.

"How are you?" He asks after he puts me down.

"I'm great. How are you?" I ask. He smiles.

"I'm the same as always." I chuckle. I climb on his back and he carries me in, along with my bags. We walk inside, and the whole squad is there.

"SAM!" Everyone yells. Nash puts me down, and everyone comes to hug me. I laugh.

"I missed you all!" I yell.

"You're forgetting someone!" I hear someone yell. We all look to see Cameron with his arms up.

"I think the wind is picking up!" Hayes yells. We all start laughing.

"You can be in the group hug." I say laughing. He walks over and hugs everyone. "Where's my room?" I ask.

"Follow me." Nash says. We walk upstairs, and he leads me to a teal room.

"Is this it?" I ask.

"Yes." He answers. I walk to the bed and jump on it. I sink into the mattress.

"WHOA! I SINK!" I yell. Nash starts laughing. I get up and start to put my stuff away. I think I'm gonna like it here.


Sorry this was so short! Chapters will eventually get longer, but I wanted to start with a short one. Hope you're liking the book so far!

matthew the murderer • book 1Where stories live. Discover now