Chapter 10

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•Cameron's POV•

I'm dying. I went to the hospital this morning, and the nurses said that someone kidnapped Sam in the middle of the night. Hayes is the saddest and most scared person right now, besides me. Nash has been trying to cheer us both up, but he's not doing very well with himself either.

Hayes and I are on our phones, and some people were watching TV, when my phone went off. I looked at the TV, since all of my calls go to the TV, and it says that Matthew wants to FaceTime.

"Don't." Hayes says to me.

"He has Sam. We have to answer." I say. "Guys, Matthew's calling!" I yell. Everyone runs over to the couch and sits. I answer the call. The image that answers frightens me. Sam sits in a chair, and her face is so bruised and bloody. She's tied up, and her eyes are so dark.

"Sam?" I whisper.

"Hello Cameron. How are you liking the picture?" Matthew taunts. My eyes start to water. Sam stares at me through the screen, and her eyes sadden even more.

"Leave her alone!" Hayes cries. I look at him and he has his hand up to his mouth. Tears are rolling down his face.

"Now, Sam here is going to say a few words, but if she says anything about where she is, you'll watch her get killed in front of you." Matthew says walking over to her. He grabs the towel in her mouth and takes it out.

"Speak." Matthew yells. Sam shakes her head, and Matthew kicks her, hard. She screams in pain, and I close my eyes.

"Matthew stop!" Nash yells. I open my eyes, and Matthew has a gun to Sam's head.

"Cameron? Are you there?" Her voice scares me more than ever. It sounds so sad and beaten.

"They can't hear us. He sent this video to us." Shawn says from behind me. "She could already-"

"Shh." I whisper.

"They can't hear you. They're probably not even watching this because they don't care! No one cares about you Sam!" Matthew puts the gun to Sam's head harder.

"Cameron. I'm not going to last any longer here. He's going to kill me. You know that." She whispers.

"You're damn right I'm going to kill you. I'll kill you in a heartbeat. Keep going." Matthew mutters. Sam starts breathing hard.

"I miss all of you. I really do." Sam sniffles. "Cameron, it's not your fault this happened. You can't protect me all of the time. Neither can you Nash."

"Oh Sam." I whisper as I walk up to the TV screen. I start crying silently.

"Tell him my next target." Matthew orders. Sam looks at Matthew, and then back at us.

"He's going after Skylynn." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nash stumble backward. Matthew chuckles.

"You better be watching over your sister like and angel Nash because you'll never know when I'm coming to get her." Then the screen goes dark and the "call" hangs up. I turn around to Nash, and he looks more scared then ever.

"Nash." I whisper.

"We have to get her. Before its too late." He says.

"Wait," Madison starts. She stands up. "Nash, where does Skylynn live?" Nash doesn't hesitate at all.

"Alabama." He answers. Madison looks at me.

"That's where he is. He's going to attack the most important people to us in the states he's going to travel to." Madison explains.

"We're not gonna make it there in time. We're going to be halfway there and he's already going to have one of them dead." Hayes says. His voice sounds scared too. I feel really scared for Nash and Hayes. Skylynn means everything to them, especially Nash.

"Nash, Hayes and I will go, and if we get any information, we'll call you guys. Ok?" I say. Everyone slowly agrees. "Let's go."


Woooo! These chapters are getting intense! Right? Hope you guys are liking the book! Next chapter will be soon!

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