Chapter 15

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•Nash's POV•

"Guys that was-" I get cut off by the sight once we come out. We all see a dead worker on the ground.

"Shit. Sam!" Cameron yells running up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Shawn asks. Cameron comes back downstairs.

"Where is she?" I ask. He runs his fingers through his hair.

"I-I don't know. She was just up there a minute ago and now she's gone." He says fast.

"Calm down, we'll find her." I say.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! We're not going to fine her! She's gone!" Cameron yells. I sigh.

"It's Matthew isn't it?" Carter asks. I look at him.

"Stop." I say. He goes over to a table and flips it over angrily.

"He needs to stop coming for us!!! Why can't he do this to another family!!" He shouts throwing his hat to the ground. My phone rings. I grab it out of my pocket and answer it.


"Nash? Nash it's Sam." I sigh with relief.

"Sam! Oh my god where are you! Are you ok?" I ask.

"I'm fine. I knocked all of the guys out and I ran away and I'm halfway back to the laser tag place. Can you guys please come and get me?" She asks.

"Absolutely. We'll be right there." I say. She hangs up. "Guys we have to go." Everyone looks at me, but they don't refuse. They walk out to their cars, and I get in mine and drive.

Once I get to Sam, everyone gets out of their cars, and Cameron of course has to make a big scene.

"Sam! Thank God! Are you ok?" He starts crying.

"Cam shut up." I say out loud. He looks at me.

"What's wrong with you? Are you jealous because Hayes isn't here so you can't hug him?" He asks.

"Cameron!" Sam yells.

"What the hell? You never talk about my brother like that!" I say starting to walk over to him angry.

"Nash stop." Shawn says coming up to my side. I turn around and punch him in the face. He covers the side of his face and falls to the ground. I turn my attention back to Cameron.

"Don't you ever talk about Hayes like that." I say starting to throw punches. Jack G and Jack J come over and grab me.

"Calm down, Nash." Jack G says. Cameron looks at me in shock.

"He talked shit about Hayes! Let me go!" I say fighting against them.

"You asshole." I hear Sam say to Cameron. I stop fighting, and they finally let me go. I go to the car door and slam it after I get in. I drive off, and in my rearview mirror, I see everyone trying to stop me, but I keep driving.

•Next Morning•
•Sam's POV•

I wake up in the hotel room to Cameron sitting in a chair in front of me. His eyes are red and puffy.

"Cameron?" I whisper. "What's wrong?" He shakes his head.

"I can't say." He says sniffing.

"Where's Nash? Did he come back?" I ask. Cameron bursts into tears, and I start to get worried. "Cameron, where is he!" I yell.

"He's dead! He killed himself ok!" He yells, then he starts crying harder. My eyes fill with tears. "And it's my fault." Cameron whispers. A tear rolls down my face.

"Are you seriously blaming this on yourself?" I ask. He looks up at me.

"I said that about Hayes yesterday! You're seriously not blaming me for this! It's my fault he's dead! It's my fault all three of them are dead!" He yells. I look at him. "Matthew isn't who you think he is."

"Then tell me! Tell me who he is! Please." I say walking closer to Cameron. He sighs.

"He was born a murderer. When he was 6, he killed his mom. But when Matthew was born, his dad ran away. He told me the story, and I allowed him in our house since I'm a good person. I didn't know he was capable of any of this. It's my fault Madison and Hayes are dead, and now Nash." He says leaning back. I cover my mouth with my shaking hand.

"Oh my god." I whisper.

"I'm sorry Sam." He cries. I put my hand on his shoulder. I know bursting out into tears would make it harder on Cameron, but I'm strong enough to hold them in this time.

The knock at the door scares me. I walk over to it and look through the little hole, and see a woman. I slowly open the door.

"Hi." I say.

"Hello. Are you Samantha Dallas?" She asks.

"Yes." I say nodding. She looks down at her clipboard.

"Hi, I'm Maria. I'm a scientist, and I would like you to come with me. We would like you to see something at our lab." She says. I look back at Cameron, but he's already standing by me.

"She's not going anywhere with you. This is a prank." He says.

"Cameron!" I yell. We argue for a few minutes, and then Maria's words cut us both off.

"It's about Hayes Grier. Do you know him?" She asks. I look back at her.

"Yes. He was my boyfriend. Is there something going on?" I ask, my words quick. She nods.

"We need you to come to the lab. We just figured something out and we need you to hurry. This could be serious." She says seriously.

"I'm going." I say to Cameron. "Can I get dressed first?" I ask. She nods, and I close the door.

"Sam, no." Cameron says.

"Cameron, this is Hayes we're talking about!" I yell. He sighs.

"I'm coming too." He says starting to get ready.

"No! Stay here! I don't want to deal with you!" I snap. He looks at me.

"Ok." He says sadly. I get ready and walk out of the door. Maria smiles at me and leads me outside to her car. I get in the front, and she starts the car and starts driving.

•At the lab•

Maria leads me to a room with 3 other people.

"This is his girlfriend." Maria explains. The older man looks at me and nods. "Can you tell her because it's kind of hard to.." Her voice trails off. The man stands up straight.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Martinez. What's your name sweetheart?" He asks, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sam." I say.

"Well, I'm just going to tell you flat out. Hayes is possibly still alive." He says. I blink a few times, and he just see the confusion on my face. "Dr. Maria here looked at her papers and she saw no time of death or anything. She just looked at it an hour ago, and realized that." He says.

"He's buried under the ground, starving to death. Is that what your saying?" I say, tears in my eyes.

"He could be alive, very weak, or he could be dead. But we're going to dig him up, just to check. Would you like to go with us?" He asks.

"Yes." I say immediately.


Yep, Hayes could still be alive! But the question is, what will happen?!?! This chapter is longer, (1,252 words😂) but more intense. Nobody looked at my last chapter, that's what it shows, but one of my friends said she did, so idk. If no one reads the chapters, I might stop the book. Oh well. Have a good evening loves! 💙

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