Chapter 6

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•Sam's POV•

All I could feel was the pain in my stomach. I saw Cameron punching Matthew, but it all happens in slow motion. Nash runs over to me, and tears are rolling down his cheeks.

"Nash." I say. He looks at me confused, then he notices the knife. He covers his mouth.

"Oh my god." He whispers. Matthew is on the ground passed out, but Cameron keeps punching him. I look up at the ceiling, and everything goes black.

•Nash's POV•

I can't believe that Matthew did this to Sam. I can't believe he did this to everyone! I look back at Sam, and she has her eyes closed.

"Cameron. I think she's-" My voice trails off. Cameron pushes by me.

"Sam?" His voice cracks. He looks back at me. "We have to go to the hospital, right now. Call 911. Now." He says. I run out of the room, and Hayes is at the end of the stairs.

"Is she ok?" His voice cracks. I can't see my brother like this. I take a deep breath.

"I don't know. She's passed out." I say. He covers his mouth. I go to the phone and call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asks.

"Hi. We have a stabbing and my best friend's sister is the victim. I don't know if she's alive." I say.

"What's your address?"

"2964 Oakhill Lane." I answer quickly.

"Ok. Ambulances are on the way." The operator says. I sigh.

"Ok. Just please hurry." I say hanging up the phone. I walk back upstairs. Cameron is crying.

"Sam! Wake up!" He yells. He shakes her and lays his head on her chest. "I can't loss you too." He whispers. Wait, he lost someone else? I'm about to ask him who, but now's not the time.

"They're on their way." I say. He nods.

"Wake everyone up now. Drive them to a hotel and I'll take Sam to the hospital when they get here." I shake my head.

"I'm going to the hospital with you. She's my sister too." I say.

( By the way, they're not actually brother and sister but since Sam and Nash are so close, they call themselves brother and sister. )

I walk downstairs, and go to the where everyone else is sleeping.

"Guys, wake up! We have to go now!" I yell. Madison groans. The Jacks get up and stretch.

"What's going on?" Shawn asks. I sigh.

"Matthew is trying to murder Sam. She got stabbed and the ambulances are on their way. Cameron says that you guys need to get to the nearest hotel and get like 5 rooms." I say. Everyone's eyes get wide.

"Is she ok?" Jack J. asks worried.

"She's, I don't know. Passed out. We're not going to say she's dead yet." I say. Everyone packs up their things, and starts to head out. Madison is crying.

"Can we see her?" She asks a little too loudly.

"Of course not. Now go to the nearest hotel and tell us when you get there." She nods and everyone walks out of the door. Now let's just hope Sam wakes up.

"Nash!" I hear Cameron yell. He seems to be happy. "Sam are you ok?" I hear him mumble. I sigh with relief. Sam is ok. Hurry up ambulances before Matthew wakes up again.


The ending to this was horrible, I know. Hope you guys are liking the book! Love you guys!

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