Chapter 2

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•Next day•
•Cameron's POV•

"Let's go to the mall. Just the two of us." Sam begs. I roll my eyes.

"Do I have to go with you?" I ask.

"You love me!" She yells. I chuckle.

"Ok fine, whatever." I laugh. She grabs my hand and yanks me out the door. We get to the mall, and Sam sees a McDonalds.

"MCDONALDS!" She screams. Everyone looks at us.

"Sam! Shhh!" I hiss. She starts laughing. We et our order at McDonalds and sit down.

"Let's take a picture." She says. We take one and I upload it to Twitter.

"My favorite girl to have a date with.😊" I tag Sam in it.

"Cameron! I can't let people know my Twitter." She says. I shrug.

"You'll get more fans!" I say. She stares at me.

"OHMYGOD! ITS CAMERON DALLAS!" Someone screams. I turn to see two fans staring at me. I look back to Sam, and she's on her phone. When I look back at the fans, their smiles are quickly turned to disgusted ones.

"That's his ugly ass sister. She's not even paying attention to him. What a bitch." The blonde says.

"Excuse me?" Sam asks. I turn to see her standing.

"You heard me." The blonde snaps. They turn to walk away, and she turns her head back. "Slut!" She yells. I hear a plop, and Sam sits back down in her chair. She starts crying.

"Sam." I whisper. I walk over and hug her.

"I hate this." She says. I sigh.

"Let's go home." I say. She nods. I help her up, and out an arm around her shoulder.

•At home•
•Samantha's POV•

We get home, and I'm still down about the girls at the mall. Cameron has tried to make me smile over and over, but it won't work. We walk inside, and I run to the bathroom.

"I have to pee." I say. I walk to the bathroom, and lock myself in. I grab the small knife in the cabinet. As I roll up my sleeve, a tear rolls down my cheek. I have to stop this. I put the knife to my arm, and slowly run it along my skin. Blood trickles down my arm, and I do it 7 more times before it gets too painful. I look in the mirror, and I look absolutely terrible. As I wipe the blood of of my arm, more comes out, but not as much as it did the first time. I unlock the door and walk out. I run into someone's chest, and I look up to see Nash. He looks down at my wrist, and his eyes widen.

"Please don't tell Cam." I whisper.

"Sam, this is bad. I have to." He says sadly. I look at him.

"Please." He pushes by me. "Nash!" I yell. I walk to where I can hear downstairs, and hear Nash talking to Cam.

"What's going on with Sam? Did you see her up there at all?" He asks.

"S-she self harmed. Like really bad." His voice cracks. I run and hide behind a door. Footsteps run up the stairs.

"Sam!" I hear Cameron yell. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from crying out. "Sam! Oh god, where are you! Show yourself!" His voice cracks, and he starts crying.

"Cameron! Did you find her?" I recognize that voice. Hayes.

"Hayes, help me find her. I can't lose her now." Cameron says. I cry out, and fall to the floor. I knew I couldn't hold it in that long. "Sam!" Cameron yells. He runs to me, and looks at my arm. "Why?" He whispers.

"Stop." I say getting up.

"No! I'm not going to stop until you tell me what's up with you!" He yells.

"I want to die!" I cry. Cameron looks at me. His eyes sadden, and he pulls me into a hug. I cry into his chest.

"I'm not going to let that happen. I love you too much for you to do that." He says. We stand there in silence as Cameron rocks me back and forth.

"Thank you." I whisper.


Sorry if this was a bad chapter! I actually cried as I wrote this!

Get this chapter to 3 votes, and I'll write another chapter!

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