Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to @sunderwood!!!

Thank you soooo much for taking the trouble to write on my message board!! OMG.. Haha.. I didn't even know I had one until I saw your comment... :P

Hehe... But honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I'm really grateful for your encouragement and I hope you continue to enjoy my "baby".. ;)


As Rick led Matt into the dining room, they found Layla sitting at the table, laughing at something Damon said while Lysander was busy defending his honor.

"For the last time! I do NOT love twilight or Edward Cullen! The movie sucked!" Lysander shouted much to the amusement of all four of them.

"But you loved the book right? Come on Lys, admit it." Damon teased.

"Well, it was alright." Lysander mumbled quietly, causing them to erupt into laughter once again.

"There, there Lysander, I think Stephenie Myer's a good writer too, especially when she wrote breaking dawn. I loved all the powers the vampires had." Layla said patting Lysander's arm comfortingly.

Lysander walked over to her and hugged her from the side shouting, "I have a friend!!!!" Then, he turned around and stuck out his tongue at the other three.

Layla giggled at the exasperated looks on the faces of Matt, Rick and Damon. They seemed so different now compared to how they always were in the office, more playful and relaxed. She found she really really liked the new sides of them she was seeing.

"Enough about vampires and powers, how about some dinner? I hope you're hungry Layla, coz Rick here has cooked up a feast for you." Matt said, winking at her.

Her stomach chose that time to growl.

"Heh.. I guess I am a little hungry." She admitted, blushing bright red.

Chuckling at how adorable she looked at the moment, Damon took her hand, led her to the table and pulled out her chair for her. After she sat down, he pushed it in for her again, acting the perfect gentleman.

Then, while Rick went inside to get the food, the others sat down.

Rick came back introducing the dishes one by one. They sounded very fancy, but Layla couldn't for the life of her remember a single one of the names. They were too long and complicated.

The company however was perfect. The four men joked and laughed with her, even occasionally teasing Lysander which she realized was one of their favorite things to do.

Often she found herself defending Lysander when their teasing became too much and Lysander would happily hug her again. It was one of the best meals she had had in her whole life. Rick really was an amazing cook.

It was finally time for dessert, and when Rick came out bearing the chocolate peanut-butter cheesecake, she could feel her mouth water. If she ate with them everyday, she had no doubt that in a few weeks time she would be 10 kilos heavier. His food was soooo good, but soooo fat!

Sinking her teeth into the chocolaty cheese cake, she moaned long and loud, continuing to moan at every bite, while praising Rick for his "heavenly food".

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