Chapter 17

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Hey my favourite people of the world!!! ^_^

Again, I apologise for the real late update. Just been really busy.

Not sure if you know, but I'm a med student, and I just switched to a new uni to start my course ALL freaking over again. 

Worst part is, this uni is real strict and I have to work really hard to be able to stay in it, which is why I don't have much time to write much. 

I  try to squeeze in some writing though, coz I love it too much to give it up completely.

Unfortunately, this means the fastest I can upload is once a month. I know I know it's not much, but I really hope you like this story enough to bear with me. I have big plans for Lysander, Matt, Damon, Rick and Layla. BIG plans. hehe...

So hopefully you stay with me to the end. Thank you so much in advance and I love you!!! <3


"Music is something that can help me let out my feelings. My confusion, my frustrations, my uncertainty, and of course, love."

"Love?" She whispered.

"Yes cara, love. I love Matt, Lysander, Rick and you very much. The four of you are the most important treasures in my life and I thank God for the four of you everyday."

She looked hopeful for a second, but immediately her eyes dimmed and she looked down.

"Cara, whatever it is, you know you can tell us right? We'll always be here for you."

This time, she looked at him with a sad and pained smile. "Please don't be so nice to me. You're making it really hard for me."

"Hard for you to do what cara?"

"Not to fall for all of you. I know you all can't really love me, and I don't blame you. I'm too damaged." She whispered, the pain in her voice caused his heart to clench painfully. That bastard was going to die. And Damon was going to be the one who stabbed him.

Sighing, he reached out and pulled her onto his lap.

She still felt shy, being seated on his lap although it wasn't her first time. More so now that she had told him that she was trying not to fall for him.

His fingers reached around her and started flowing up and down the keys, soothing and calming her, so that soon, she had leant back onto him, her head rested on his shoulders.

"You know, none of us is anywhere near perfect. In fact, all of us have a story to tell. That was one of the things that drew us together. People thought we were these four perfect guys who had anything and everything we ever wanted in life. Nothing could be farther from the truth though."

The picture that Rick had drawn which she found hidden in the corner that night flashed across her mind as she quietly waited for him to continue.

"I can't tell you what their stories are I'm afraid, because they aren't my stories to tell. But if you really want to know, all you have to do is ask them. I can, however, tell you my story."

He paused for awhile and took a deep breath, wondering where to begin. Seeing how he was struggling, Layla pulled herself closer to him and snuggled into his chest, telling him without words that he could take all the time he needed.

Looking down into her eyes with a soft smile on his lips, Damon started his story.

"I was born into the perfect family. Parents that gave me a good education, a brother that I loved and who adored me. I even had a childhood friend, who I was meant to marry once I graduated. Her father was my dad's business partner, and they wanted us to run his company together. My parents had everything planned out for me. I was to go to college and then on to study business in university so that I could take over my dad's company. Everything was going great and I listened to everything my parents told me to do. The only problem was, I didn't like business very much. I loved maths, but business was boring. I didn't want to disappoint my parents though, so I sucked it up and took it on like a man."

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