Chapter 24

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HEHE!! This is the starting of Layla's confession, and it'll be a looong one.. :P I know I dragged it out a bit, but... meh... It's gonna be worth it.... ;)

by the wayyy...... Is it just me, or has the comments decreased like... alot?

Just sayin... heh.. :P

Enjoy my loves!!! <3


Should I shave, or should I not shave? Layla thought, blushing furiously even though there was no one else in the house except for her.

Tonight would be the night she would lose her virginity, she'd decided.

Who else would she ever want to give it to, other than the four of them. It was too bad she only had two cherries to pop, if I only she could have four, she thought wistfully, and then laughed at the absurdity of the thought.

She wondered who would be the ones among the four who was going to have her, and she couldn't stop the shiver of anticipation that ran through her.

She knew one thing was for sure. She'd love every moment of it, no matter which one of them it was.

But, back to her problem, should she shave her pubic hair or not? Did men generally like pubic hair? No? Yes? She simply could not decide. She wanted to shave, for hygiene purposes but...

would they like her completely bald????

She thought back on that night that she had accidentally peeped in on the most erotic sight she had seen in her life, when both Damon and Rick were thrusting into Lysander. She didn't pay much attention to that detail then, but now that she thought back hard, they really weren't that hairy in that region, and she was glad.

Then again guys were different, they never had to shave, except for their facial hair of course.

Girls on the other hand, were a whole different matter.

To shave or not to shave. That is the question. she thought wryly, then giggled at her silly sense of humour. If only she had someone to ask about this sort of thing.

Finally deciding to throw all caution to the wind, she decided to shave. At least if they didn't like it, she could always grow it out again, she thought, sticking out her tongue and making a face at herself in the mirror.

She quickly washed herself, making sure to soap and shampoo every part of her body, so that she smelt good and she felt clean. She didn't want to disgust the boys with any body odor or body hair.

Tonight was going to be special for her, and she didn't want anything, least of all her own body to ruin the night for her.

Just as she finished up and changed into the outfit she'd prepared specially for tonight, she heard the front door slam open.

"Layla? Where are you cara?" Damon called out the instant they opened the door to their villa.

"I'm here~~" Layla's sweet voice sang out from somewhere inside the villa, and the four of them made to find her, but her next sentence stopped them.

"Wait! Don't come in!!!"

"What's wrong Layla? Are you okay? Do you need help?" Lysander asked, frantically bouncing from one foot to another.

My four lovers (Menage , boyxboy + boyxgirl , mmmmf)Where stories live. Discover now