Chapter 18

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bet that is what all of you are thinking.. heh..

I am terribly sorry.. Though I did upload for "loving me, loving you" awhile ago. If you have time do check that out yea? Thanks loads~ <3

This chapter goes out to all of you who stuck by me and waited for this chapter.. thank you so much for not giving up on waiting so long. I know I suck, but hopefully this story doesn't? >.<

Hope you like it~

If you do, Vote and comment? ^_^


When she found Rick, he was painting in his art studio.

He didn't notice her coming in, too absorbed in the work he was doing. So she slowly tip toed to stand behind him and peeped at his work from over his shoulder. She liked art, especially art that told stories.

Rick was drawing four little boys in a circle surrounding a little girl in the middle. The girl was laughing and twirling around in a circle, while her hair flew with the motion. The boys were smiling too, while looking at her with a look of total love and adoration. Their hands were clasped together so that they formed a closed ring around the girl, seeming to protect her from everything outside their tiny circle while the girl remained obliviously happy. Outside of their ring was painted in dark haunting colors, yet the inside of their circle, the girl was bathed in sunlight and her hand was clutching a bouquet of lilies. The painting was beautiful.

The warmth that she felt from the picture he painted touched her heart and she couldn't help but be envious of the little girl. That no matter rain or shine, the four boys would be there to protect her and be there for her, while in turn she was their sunshine.

When Rick finished the last stroke, she pulled a chair over to his side and sat down beside him, unconsciously leaning to his side.

"It's beautiful." She whispered. "She's lucky to have them." She said wistfully, pointing to the four boys.

Rick looked down at her tenderly. "They're the lucky ones."

She looked up at him when he said that, wondering what he meant and was stunned to see the intensity in which he was looking at her. She couldn't seem to pull her gaze away from his deep greenish-blue eyes and she was drowning in them.

Rick sighed and raised his hand to her face and stroking her cheek. "Oh Layla, if only you knew how much you mean to us. How much you mean to me."

He leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips, his mouth touching, then pulling away slightly, and then touching her lips again. It was so sweet that Layla had to force herself not to melt into his embrace.

"Come on, let me show you around." He kissed her cheeks and rubbed his thumb over her pink lips. Then he stood up and offered her his hand.

He brought her around his studio and showed her his paintings, his sculptures, his clay works and even some black and white snapshots he took with a camera.

His work was beautifully intricate, each piece of art had a story to tell, whether it was a happy ending or a sad one. But among all of his pieces, although all were wonderfully amazing, none of them could compare or impact her as much as the one that she had found hidden in the corner.

"So love, what do you think? Good enough to sell?" Rick grinned at her, winking mischevously.

Smiling, she nodded her head vigorously. "Your work is amazing!!! So detailed and so beautiful! Did you take any lessons before?"

"I did, when I was younger, but I stopped painting after awhile. I only took up painting again just recently" there was a tinge of sadness to his voice.

My four lovers (Menage , boyxboy + boyxgirl , mmmmf)Where stories live. Discover now