Chapter 15

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Sorry, on behalf of Lysander who is sitting across from me and shooting mean glares at me, I gotta address the comments in the previous chapter...

 The "fat and ugly" part was in no means meant to insult anyone. It was just an insult thrown by Layla's ex to her repeatedly that it destroyed her self confidence to the point she started believing it was true. In truth, she was beautiful, especially in the eyes of the 4 guys. It didn't matter how she looked because to them, she was perfect. They have known and worked with her for the past four months and then got to know her even more intimately the past week, so yes, it happened unexpectedly fast, but at the same time, love is love, time doesn't matter, some know from the first time they meet someone, others take years. 

Anyway, that's what Lysander has asked to relay to all of you, so he hopes you understand. ;)

Chapter 15

"Lysander, love, it's time to wake up now."

"Wha-whazzgoinon?" Lysander mumbled, still half asleep.

"It's morning. I've made breakfast. We can let Layla sleep for a little longer, Damon can come and wake her up later." Rick said gently, kissing Lysander on the forehead, and then leaning over him to give Layla a peck.

"Okay" turning on his side to give Layla a kiss on her forehead, Lysander then put out his hands and smiled dreamily at Rick.

Chuckling, Rick picked him up and carried him to the toilet, letting him wash up before carrying him to the kitchen again.

"Morning, princess." Damon mumbled, kissing Lysander on the cheek and then leaning over to kiss Rick on the lips. "How's our other sleeping beauty?"

"Sleeping beautifully. You can go and wake her up later. Let her sleep for a little while longer." Rick smiled, anticipating his time with her. He had the perfect date planned out and he hoped that would make her warm up to him; to them just a little bit more.

"So how was your night with her?" Damon pulled Lysander out from Rick's arms and sat him on his lap. Lysander immediately wrapped his arms around Damon and snuggled into Damon's neck, sighing in content.

"It was perfect. She felt really good in my arms." He sighed dreamily. Then he sat up with a frown on his face, his sleepiness all gone. "There's something I need to talk to you guys about though."

"What is it, Amore?" Damon asked, concern in his voice.

"She's been hurt. Badly. By her own father and her ex. We need to thread carefully. I think she may even be a virgin."

The three were stunned for a moment. They knew Layla was innocent, but they never expected her to still be a virgin. They were in their late twenties after all and sex was just  a part of life. 

"Wow... A virgin." His voice a reverent whisper, then anger clouded Damon's face. "Who hurt her?"

"Her dad nearly raped her. She managed to get away in time. Lucky for him, he's dead, otherwise I'd hunt him down and kill him myself." Lysander snarled out.

Reaching out to touch Lysander's hand, Rick said, "Lysander, you mustn't-"

"No! I won't calm down! You three of all people know what kind of a hell I've been through. What I had to do in order to escape. And he's still out there threatening me and my family. People like them do not deserve to live." Lysander said, bitterness creeping into his voice.

Walking over to where Lysander was sitting on Damon, Matt grabbed Lysander's face and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Then hugging him tightly he whispered, "Shh Love, we love you and we will protect you and Layla. No one is ever going to harm you or her ever again. Not while we're here. I will personally kung fu their butt, alright?"

Lysander nodded quietly, a little smile quirking at the edge of his lips and he fervently kissed Matt back. He was glad he had them. Now they needed to protect Layla too, and he was going to do his part in making sure nothing and no one ever hurt her again.

"You said something about her ex. What happened?" Damon growled, anger still in his voice.

"Her ex insulted her. Called her fat and ugly and a whole lot of names because she wouldn't sleep with him. Said that she was 'too broken for anyone to want her if she wasn't going to sleep with them' ." Just thinking about the way she said it made Lysander's blood boil again. "I told her we loved her, but she wouldn't believe me."

"We can't blame her amour, she might be thinking it's too soon.  Guess we're just going to have to show her how much we do. Rick and I will have to do our best today. Good thing I just finished a song I wrote for her. We're gonna be so romantic, she won't know what hit her." Damon grinned excitedly.

"You wrote her a song? You didn't even write me a song!" Matt pouted, pretending to be jealous. He had pulled away from Lysander and was now leaning against the wall lazily.

Laughing, Damon set Lysander down on the seat beside him before striding over to Matt. "Don't worry Matt, I still love you." He captured Matt's chin and pulled him in for a hot kiss.

"mmm... you gotta show me how much you love me more often." Matt teased before rubbing Damon's crotch.

Damon groaned and thrust himself harder into Matt's hand. "Gladly."

If you're free please check out "loving me, loving you" and tell me whether I should continue that one or not.

It's not a menage story, but I planned it to be a "funny till you die laughing" kind of love story.. Haha.. :P

BUT, there will DEFINITELY be R-rated scenes ... Haha.. :P

Vote and comment my lovelies~~

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