Chapter 12

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[Lysander's time with Layla part 2]


As they came out of the library, they passed a huge door that was labelled "DANGER! KEEP OUT IF YOU'RE NOT LYSANDER".

Laughing softly at the exaggeratedly huge neon sign that was shining with bright pink, blue, and purple lights, Layla tugged Lysander's hand to a stop and pointed to the door.

"Is that another one of your secret hideouts?" She asked smiling.

"Well yea, obviously. It even has my name on it, see?" He teased back.

She rolled her eyes. As if she would miss his name when it was blinking pink lights at her.

"What's in there? Or is it a secret?" She asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Hmm.. It is a secret, but I'd be happy to show it to you, if....." He trailed off, feigning reluctance.

"If what?"

"If....." He bent his knees so that he was level with her, tapped his finger on his lips and looked up at the ceiling, looking as innocent as could be.

Blushing slightly, Layla hesitated for only a moment before leaning forward and pecking his lips.

"Wha-? That's it? That's all I get for showing you one of my top secret hideouts?" Lysander sputtered indignantly.

Giggling , Layla nodded, "Yup, that's all you're gonna get buddy." She said while grinning mischievously at him.

Sighing hard, Lysander put on a tragic face, and raised both palms up to the sky. "Why God, why would she do this to me? It's so unfair." He wailed.

That made Layla laugh and roll her eyes at his dramatics. "Stop being such a drama queen and show me already!" She grabbed his arm and shook it hard, laughing again as he let his whole body fall limp on her so that she had to strain to keep him upright.

"Lysander!!" She shouted, laughing. "Don't forget I'm your mistress today!!"

"Yes mistress, whatever you say mistress." Standing up straight, Lysander saluted her and opened the door before bowing, with one hand behind his back. "Welcome to my domain mistress. Would you like a cup of coffee, tea or me, mistress?" The last bit was said with a cheeky grin and wagging of his thick eyebrows.

Layla was giggling hard now. Lysander could be such a dork sometimes. An adorable dork though.

Shaking her head, she walked in mumbling, "You've been watching too many movies." But she soon forgot about that, because the things in that room took up all of her attention.

It was like a laboratory with both chemical stuff and electronic stuff. There were wires everywhere.

Before she could comment on anything though, she was bulldozed over by a huge furry animal which started licking her face like she was a lollipop.

"What in the world-?"

When she could finally open her eyes to see what had attacked her, she was rewarded with a pair of bright blue eyes that reminded her remarkably of a certain adorable dork, belonging to a Siberian Husky. It was grinning a doggy grin at her, and barked when she continued to stare at it in complete adoration.

"Oh my gosh you have a Husky!!" She squealed, hugging the fluffy dog so hard, it whined softly.

"Yea, Layla, meet Charlie. I found him as a pup at an abandoned warehouse when I was driving past after work one day. He looked so thin and was lying so still, I thought he was dead. But when I found him breathing, I took him in. Unfortunately I have to keep him in here coz' Rick's allergic to his fur. But it's big enough for him to run around here anyway."

"Aww... You poor thing. I love you already. I've always wanted a husky, but they're so expensive to get and to care for, I just couldn't afford one." She said wistfully, hugging and kissing the dog's fur.

"He likes you. But that's enough kissing already. Come on." Lysander said pushing the dog away from her and pulling her up to him. He suddenly found himself wishing he was the husky.

Feeling disgruntled at Layla's unfair show of affection, Lysander glared at Charlie.

"Um... Lysander? What's that?" Layla asked, curiosity filling her voice.

"Huh? What's what?" Lysander answered absentmindedly, still glaring at Charlie, who yawned boredly.

"That." She said, pointing to an icon that was blinking on the huge computer screen. "And why does it have my name on it?"

"Huh? Oh that. It's just something I invented a while ago. It's kind of like a tracking device." Lysander shrugged, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world to have invented a tracking device.

"Uh huh... So you're telling me you've been stalking me?" Layla's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"NO! No no..."Lysander hurried to reassure her.

"I invented this application when we first started our firm. We weren't rich yet then, and we had to share a car. So when we had business meetings at the same time, we had problems because we had to wait for each other, find the place where we were having the meetings so that we could fetch each other home and it became a really big waste of time. So I invented this chip, where I put it in Matt, Rick, Damon and my phones so that we can track each other no matter where we are."

"It comes with an alarm clock too, so I just set the alarm on slightly earlier than the time I would finish my meeting, and by the time I'm done, one of them would be here to pick me up without me having to call them and be rude to my clients. But we don't really use it anymore because we have our own cars now. I just left the chip in their phones anyway in case of emergencies, that's all. The only disadvantage is it needs the internet to work, so it doesn't work in places without network coverage"

"Cool! But that still doesn't explain why this app on your computer has my name written on it." Layla frowned.

"Oh that, well, when you first came over, I discussed with the others and we agreed that since you're seen around us more often now, it would be wise to have a way to know where you are at all times. I know that sounds really 'stalker-ish', but it's only as a precaution and we haven't activated it yet. We do have quite a few enemies we made over the past couple of years, and we just don't want the smallest chance of anything happening to you." Lysander soften his voice, his eyes pleading at her to understand their actions.

Feeling her heart soften, Layla sighed.

"I don't have a choice in this, do I?"

"Well of course you do. You can say no, but.... We won't be able to stop worrying about you though." Lysander said softly.

Layla had every intention of making him take out the chip. She really did. But looking into Lysander's eyes, and seeing the genuine worry and concern in there... How in the world was she going to deny him now?

Sighing, she walked over to Lysander and put a hand to his cheek. Her heart softened further when he leaned into her touch and she couldn't help the small smile that lifted the corners of her lips up. "Okay. I'll let you leave it there. But.. No taking advantage of that alright?" She warned sternly.

His eyes brightening, he pulled her into a bone crushing hug and chuckled. "Of course not love. I'll only use it to save you when you get lost in our house again, like you did just now." he teased.

"So that's how you found me so fast, you stalker! What if I was changing my clothes then? Huh?"

"Oh darn. Why didn't I think of that." Lysander said, sounding so regretful that she smacked him hard on the chest.


"Your pervert." He whispered into her ear, before leaning in to kiss her.

Yes, My pervert.

It was the last thought that ran through her mind, shocking her, before she was dragged under by Lysander's kiss.



hehe.. Do keep in mind this chapter please, it'll be very important in the future.. ;P

Hope you like it~~ Will be uploading, sooner, or later depending on your response.

so vote and comment my lovelies~~ <3

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