Guest Judge (A Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)

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Guest judge 

Chapter 1 

Serena's POV

    "Buzz Buzz" ugh that alarm again. Today is finally the day that I'm auditioning for The X Factor. I'm absolutely terrified but at the same time eager to find out if I'm even any good. I absolutely love singing that's the only way I really know how to express myslef without anyone judging me, anyway there's a rumor going around about a special judge this season. I got out of bed I plugged in my iPod to my Bose speakers, "More Than This" by One Direction blasting. I'm not going to lie, I absolutely love them, but if I had to pick one out of the five it would have to be Harry.

   As I stripped out of my pajamas, I got in the shower and all I could think about was if I would be good enough to make it on to the show. Even though I've won little talent shows here and there, I still can't help but wonder if I'm what they're looking for. I know I have to make a good impression when I meet the judges, especially the special judge. You never know who it might be.

     I then got dressed in a black full length maxi dress, a medium washed jean jacket, brown genuine leather sandals and a black vintage leather bag I got as a gift from my grandmother. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and put a layer of powder, mascara and nude lip stick. It was a lighter look, quite unusual for me. But I looked quite good but I still felt as if something was missing but I ignored it.

    As I went to the kitchen, I realized that I was supposed to wake up my mom about an hour ago. I ran to my parents room to go wake up my mom. "Mom can you wake up we're late. I can't be late, especially today. Come on. Get up!" All she did was roll over and groan at me. The only words that escaped my mom's mouth were "I know today is your big day but why didn't you wake me up earlier?". I bit back my tongue, opting to using a nicer approach, and said "Please mom, I need you to get out of bed. I have to be early to secure my spot to audition.". " Okay, okay. Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready." She said while getting out of bed still slightly asleep. "Alright, I'll go eat breakfast." I went to the kitchen and made some scrambled eggs with toast. At the exact moment I finished eating, my mom was finished and ready to go . "That was way more than five minutes." "At least I got ready this fast so be thankful." She said as she put her right hand on her hip. She tried to protrude some type of attitude but I couldn't take her seriously.

     We both got into the car and I immediately set up the GPS to the arena where the auditions were going to take place. As we were riding in the car, "Your Song" by Elton John was playing on the radio. I sang along just to warm up my voice and while I was singing I remembered when I was sitting at home in front if my TV with a cup of orange tea watching One Direction preform that same song on " The X Factor UK ". Immediately, a smile crept upon my face. Just thinking about them made me smile. I know it sounds quite cliché but their music genuinely did help me while I was going through some difficult times in my life.

   Before I knew it we both had arrived at the arena. The line to wait for your turn to audition was monstrous. All you would hear were the people in line following the directions of the producers , shooting random shots for the show. People holding up their arms in an "X" position while saying "I have the X factor." and the little interviews they show before they present  an audition.  Just to be able to find a parking spot was virtually impossible, but when we finally did we got off the car and walked towards the registration table at the very front of the arena. "Hi, what's your name ?" The producer said while showing me her teeth that were covered in wire from all of her braces. "Serena , Serena Watson"

    "Okay Serena, it's quite simple. All you have to do is fill out this paper work right here and then once you are done you just have to wait in that line over there until you're called. You'll then go up on stage and you'll sing in front of the judges. It's quite simple, Got it?" "Yep I got it, thanks." I said still unable to believe that this could be the day that my life could dramatically change for the better. I knew was ready for this change, that change has been all I had been dreaming about ever since I was little.

Ok so this is my first fan fiction. I know how eveyone is obsessed with One Direction.Trust me im one of those. So I hope you enjoy this fan fiction. xoxox

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