Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

      After waiting at least three hours in the second line one of the producers finally called my name "Serena Watson?" " yes" I said with excitement seeping out of me. Immediately standing up from my chair pulling my mom up with me.

" you are up next to audition, Can you please follow me." As I followed the producer I kept on fidgeting around anxiously wringing my hands and bouncing on my toes waiting on the edge of the stairs before they call you. The nerves inside me kept building up inside especially since not a single person has mentioned who the guest judge is, I just hope it's not someone who I look up to so I can actually be able to sing properly and I won't choke up in the middle of the song. I stood there quietly waiting for the producers to tell me when to go on stage. As I was waiting backstage I heard the previous person who was auditioning. I'm not going to lie but she wasn't the best singer and she really needed to get her attitude checked every once and a while. The judges all said no and she walked off the stage and walked right pass me and said "Good luck trying to surpass what I just did. I was amazing they just don't know what there missing." while she whipped her hair in my direction. When I was just about to answer her, the producers called for me. " the judges are ready for you." Those six words were the most nerve wrecking words that I have ever heard in a very long time. As I had begun walking towards the middle of the stage over the massive red "X" that's on the floor. The judges were talking between each other about the previous audition right while I was walking. When I looked up towards the judges all I could see was the blinding spot lights coming from every direction possible straight into my eyes . " Hi love what's your name?" When I looked closely at who the judges were I realised that the guest judge was no other than Harry Styles, he is much more beautiful up close than anyone could have ever imagined. The way that his startling emerald green eyes glistened just from the spot lights that shone into them made you want to melt. The way his chocolate brown hair was delicately curled. It was as if I was in a dream and I was not ready to step back into reality any time soon.

" Hi?" Harry said again since I was in another planet the time before he said hello. I was trying by best not to freak out. I mean come on who wouldn't love for any member from One Direction just to notice you because to you there your whole world and to them your just another fan paying to just catch a glimpse of them during a concert. 

"Hi I'm Serena, Serena Watson" "what a lovely name, where are you from?" " Miami, FL" "and how old are you?" " I'm 16". I found it difficult just answering just these simple questions since I was answering them back to Harry. "What made you want to even sing?" Demi asked me quite curious " Well almost all of my fathers side were musicians so I've been around that enviroment ever since I was younger so I guess it comes from there." "Ok whenever you're ready to sing." Harry nods. Hesitating I realise that I haven't been thinking about making sure that during my performance I sing at the right pitch since I had been talking to Harry and had slipped my mind completely. As the music begins I open my mouth to start singing and I shut my eyes. It begins to feel as if I'm in my room all alone just pouring every part of myself through the music. " I've been trying to do it right, I've been living a lonely life. I've been sleeping here instead, I've been sleeping in my bed." I finally gained enough confidence to open my eyes after the first verse. When I saw the masses of people singing and clapping along with the music and the judges bobbing their heads along with the music, a smile creeped upon my face and at that moment I felt euphoric like I belonged on stage and nowhere else. When the song finished there was immediate cheering from the crowd, I felt immediate chills run up and down my spine as I realised what I just accomplished. I managed to get the whole crowd and the judges to sing along with me. " You have quite some voice there" Simon said quite surprised. " I hate to say it but, I have to agree with Simon you really do have a good voice."Demi agreed. Then I looked at Harry to hear what he had to say about my audition, "Wow, just wow you did that song complete justice. We're you even nervous ?" 

" I was earlier." I say as he raises an eyebrow trying to figure out what I meant. "And your not anymore ? " he begins to question me. " what happened between that time that made you change your mind ?" A smirk graces his beautiful face. I got all flustered in what to answer and said " I don't have the slightest idea." I start to feel a rosy pink blush slowly creep up on my face as I tried to fight it, our eyes are locked almost as if we were both looking into each others soul. You can begin to feel the tension between us, and at that exact second Simon decided to break it off as he said "So I say yes to Serena ." Demi followed " Yes for sure. You remind me a lot of myself." I couldn't help but smile at the two yes's and when I look over at harry for the final decision he said " It is a definite yes from me." As he said that he gave me a cheeky smile as his two dimples that lit up his face surfaced. "Thank you so much, you have no idea what this mean to me." " no , thank you for being here and auditioning." Harry said again with a smile that made you just want to melt. I immediately walked almost floating off the stage with a smile from ear to ear and jumped into my moms arms, unable to comprehend what had just happened and apart from that just having a simple conversation with harry made my heart soar and being accepted to be apart of one of the biggest singing competitions was surreal just that by itself. 

I began to cry but not out of sadness but if complete and utter joy. As my mom held me in her arms se kissed the top of my head and told me with a tear slowly falling down her face " I knew you would pass this whole time you just had to believe in yourself." As she embraced me even tighter I felt a tap on my back. I let go of my mom and turned around, to see a producer give me the details on the following rounds of the competition. " ok you need to show up at this stage in four days and these requirements must be fulfilled if you wish to continue on this show ". As she gave me the papers I read out loud " no more that two pieces of luggage, no revealing clothing, no profanity on clothes. There's a lot of rules we need to follow" " I know it's a lot but it's just to cover all the basics nothing more than that. Just make sure that you are here on that day and be here early it looks good off of your part." " ok thank you." I said with a smile from ear to ear mostly because I still cant believe that I actually have a chance to fufill my dreams, not to just let my dreams be just dreams and regret i didnt do anything about them. 

And I turned around and walked toward the outside to where the parking lot was. When I was walking out of the arena I heard someone call my name "Serena!" I turned around to see who was calling me. It was no one else but the girl who audition before me. "I bet you got three no's, right?" She said with such an attitude, she genuinely believe's that I couldn't even hold a note. "We'll actually I got three yes's." I said with complete confidence in myself. " please don't lie to yourself they just pity you. There going to kick you out during bootcamp." While she said this my mom put her hand on my shoulder basically telling me we should go. I turned around and said at the same time " you're not even worth talking back to so what's the point. Just accept the fact that I got in and you weren't what they wanted." I said trying not to add anymore fuel to this fire and walked off towards the car completely ignoring whatever she said after that.

Guest Judge (A Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now