Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Harry's POV 

  The producer's moved the contestants into a separate room for them to practice each of their song, while we judges got situated by a desk that was in-front of the stage with all of the contestants information and pictures on top. After Simon gave  the "Ok" for the producers to start letting the contestants to come in and for the  filming of bootcamp performances, groups of ten started to shuffle on stage, faster than what I had imagined it would take. 

" I can say now it gets really tough. if you don't bring it your going home." said Simon at the first group that walked in and believe me once he said that I've never seen such nervous people. Each group bean singing their song that was assigned to them. It was like you had to have this poker face throughout every performance, as you you just see the contestants walk off of the stage you could hear from backstage weather their crying or yelling or happy with their own performance. After a certain amount of performances you start to zone out a little bit.

  The producers then told us that we were almost done for the day but that the only group left was the "Teens". The producers passed out the information for the next contestants. When they passed me all of the papers, I was going through pictures quickly. As I was going through the packet I couldn't help but think about finding Serena's information. I guess I wasn't doing it on purpose, I was doing it more unconsciously. As I was beginning to reach the last couple ones I started to slightly freakout inside fearing that I wouldn't find her picture and information. 

  They called up the second to last group of the Teens and I was getting quite impatient waiting for her to just already walk on stage. But of course she doesn't, and i have to sit through another performance just absolutely bored of hearing the same songs over and over and over again. One that group was done Simon dismisses them " Thank you"  and just to my surprise as the last group of boot camp for that night walks on stage she is the last one to walk on. And immediately made this eye contact that was absolutely indescribable but at the same she tried to look away. i guess it was because of the nerve but also because she was quite flustered. 

  Simon then asked them "Hello guys. what will you be singing again?". "Well be singing Frank Ocean's Swim Good. But we madek it our own if that's ok with you guys." She said this in her velvety intoxicating voice. Simon then moved his pen around that was in his mouth and said "That's fine. Whenever you're ready." and shook hid head as if he was expecting the absolute worse. Serena started off the song. "Thats's a pretty good trunk on my Lincon Town car ain't it. BIg enough to take these broken hearts and put them in it. Now I'm drivin' around on thei boulevard trunk bleedin'. And everytime the cops pull me over they don't ever see them they never see them. And ive got this black suit on. Roaming around like im ready for a funeral. Five more miles till the road runs out ohh ."  When her part did finish the rest of her time she was either looking at Simon for an approval of weither or not she did any good or directly at me.

   When that group eventually did finish Simon dissmissed them with a simple "Thank you"  and a slight smile, showing that they had nailed it. When the producers told us that it was a wrap, all the judges left and went backstage. I wanted to see if I could find Serena and maybe get to talk to her, just to get to know her a bit better. I didnt want to seem as if I was a stalker, beacuse i didnt want any of my chances to dissaper beacuse she thought I was wierd. I have to say I was beginging to have thsi sort of internal conflict with myself about weither she would even talk to me.

While I was walking backstageI took out my IPhone since I was goignt to answer back a text that i had gotten earlier from Gemma. And without noticing I had bumped into someone I immedideatly looked up to see who I had bumped into and to my surprise it was Serena.

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