Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Harry's POV

  "You're done with your make-up." The make-up artist said, I thanked her, got up and left walking towards the stage to where the all the judges were told to meet up before the producers let in all the contestants so that we could speak to them. " Hey Simon, so when are we going to start letting the contestants in?" I asked while combing my hair with my fingers. " We're about to start so follow me , ok?" "Yeah, cool." As Simon takes both of us blindly down a completely white corridor while were walking you can begin to hear the the producers beginning to get ready for filming and organising people where they belong and what is needed to be done. "Demi is it always this crazy when they film?" I ask in complete shock how crazy the backstage is. " yeah it's always like this, don't you remember when you were a contestant?" " I really don't remember it being this hectic backstage." I said while scratching my head trying to remember the times when I was a contestant on the show.

Serena's POV

   There was a massive group of contestants sitting in the middle of an arena just waiting for the judges to appear and talk to us about the further rounds in the competitions. When everyone got all settled in after turning all of the paperwork. We all then waited for about 15 minutes and after that we were then grouped by age, We all sat in different sections waiting for the judges to appear. I turned around and asked the girl that was next to me " Hi, where are you from?" She turned around and gave me a toothy grin. " Hi, I'm from New York City. You ? " " I love that city, I wish I lived there. I'm from Miami." " yeah I've been there a couple of times. What did you sing for your audition?" " I sung Ho Hey by The Lumineers. Wait what's your name?" " Never heard of it. My name's Samantha." As she was speaking she held out her hand waiting for my response, and I obviously shook her hand back. "Serena" "that's such a pretty name it reminds me about the show Gossip Girl." " Hahaha yeah all I'm missing is blonde hair, blue eyes, and Blake lively's height." Just when Samantha was about to answer me back the judges show up on stage and began talking with us. "How's everyone doing?" Demi asked trying to somewhat hype up the crowd.The crowd answered back in cheers and screams but, I think there just excited for what's to come. "Hello, so who's ready to get started?" Harry asked but as he was speaking you could hear the girls screaming even louder just because he spoke a couple of words.

   After the judges spoke to all of the contestants, and later walked off of the stage. The producers then split is all up into four different groups from Groups, Teens, over 25, and the young adults. I then got split up into the teen's group since I'm only 16. After we got to know the other people that were in our different groups before the judges assigned us a song for each of the groups to preform for them. We all spoke in between each other as we were getting to know each other but we were also trying to decide who gets what part of the song that was assigned to us. Our group got assigned "Frank Ocean's Swim Good". Almost everyone in my group wanted to keep the song the way that Frank Ocean performs the song. "Ok, umm the only chance we have to pass is to leave a good impression and for the judges to remember us is in a good way. I've heard the song before but in an instrumental version. I honestly think this is the best way for all of us to preform this song." Since we were pared off into smaller groups it was quite easy to voice each of our opinions. "I think she's right, if we all want to pass to the the next round we need to first make sure that we can at least preform the song correctly. So we don't look like complete fools." I took out my iPhone while she kept on speaking and began to go to the Internet to show the group what it would sound like. "Ok everybody listen." I pressed the play button and we all began to listen. In the middle of the song Samantha pressed the pause button, we all looked up at her ad she said " Guy this is perfect but this is out only chance and we need to nail it. So we all better put our hearts and soul into this performance." She then shed a tear,and the rest of the other girls were also beginning to tear up with her. But the guys just looked at each other with fear in our eyes absolutely scarred of what was going to happen in the next couple of hours to come. We then all decided that we were going to do the instrumental version of "Swim Good", practice and hope for the best.

   It was our groups turn next, as we were waiting backstage we could hear the group before us performing. I can say they weren't any bad but it wasn't something I would pay to see in concert. I tried to shake off my nerves but just when I thought all my nerves were gone the producers called our group to go on stage. It felt like it was the audition all over again but with a more intimate performance like an unplugged version of the song. I was one of the first ones to walk onto the stage. What I mean is that when I walked on stage Harry and I made this eye connection that was quite powerful but at the same time trying to hide it because I didn't want to insinuate anything since the judges and contestants couldn't have any form of relationship of that form. So that was completely out if the question because I am not willing to risk anything and anyone coming in-between my dream, but it it happened after the show well that's a different question. But honestly I don't understand why he looks at me like that I mean I'm no Candice Swanepoel, that's for sure. "Hello guys, what will you be singing again?" Simon asked us all. I took the microphone that were given to us by the producers an placed it by my mouth. "We'll be singing Frank Ocean's Swim Good. But we made it our own if that's ok with you." Simon moved around his pen that was in his mouth a bit and said "That's fine. Whenever your ready." And he shook his head. I started off the song "That's a pretty big trunk on my Lincoln town car ain't it. Big enough to take these broken hearts and put em in it. Now I'm driving round on the boulevard trunk bleeding. And every time the cops pull me over they don't ever see them. They never see them. And I've got this black suit on, roaming around like I'm ready for a funeral. Five more miles till the road runs out ohhh."


Alright! Listen to the song on the side while you read if you'd like!

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