Divorced ch.4

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I puffed my cheeks out in frustration as I stared back at the blank document. Back at square one....this sucks. I ran my fingers through my untamed hair. "Okay, let's not worry about that." I said to myself. I closed my computer down and packed it in my suit case. I was moving into my apartment today....Finally.

"Are you ready Ms. Mitchell?." A young male employee I'm paying to help with my bags asked me. He held two large suit cases in his hand while I had the other two.

"Yeah, let me just make sure I have everything." I patted myself down to feel my keys, wallet and phone. "Okay, I'm ready."

We walked out the hotel room and to the elevator that was luckily open, but unfortunately Justin; the next door neighbor was on the elevator as well. Gosh does he even have a job? I stepped on the elevator with the employee behind me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Justin glancing at me. Please don't talk to me.

"Leaving already?"

Crap! "Yeah, got myself an apartment. I'm officially moving into the city." I chuckled to lighten up the mood. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. The young man stepped out first into the lobby.

"Have a nice day." I said before following the young man out to the front doors where my car is parked. After packing everything in my trunk and checking out of the hotel, I was on my way to my apartment; which was only seven blocks away. But in New York City, seven blocks fells like a mile.

The apartment it self was wonderful. It was more like a loft; a huge loft with lots of space where I can put a treadmill, a desk and other big items. Not even my old house had this much space.

Luckily I ordered a bed that came in today, a flat screen and cable that was all installed before I officially moved in. Everything has gone to plan.

"Nice loft," Danielle said. We was currently chatting on face time so I can show her around.

"Thanks, it's perfect. I have so much space to roam around and stuff." I huge smile was on my face.

Danielle chuckled. "I haven't seen you like this since graduation. I guess New York is doing good for you."

I nod. "Yup, your big sis is not in Kansas anymore. Now enough about me, how's everything with you? You got the promotion?"

A frown formed on her face, I already knew things aren't going well for her. Especially with her boyfriend being in the army and everything. "No, someone else got it. It's okay with me though, if I did get it then I would have to leave Delaware and be far away from Anthony's base." She shrugged her shoulders. "It's fine, life will go on."

I hated to see her down, so as her older sister I have to light up the mood. "When can you go on vacation?"

"Well next month. Depends, why?"

"Because I want you to come to New York, it's really fun over here; you can let lose, drink a little and have a crazy night."

Danielle chuckled then shook her head. "I don't know Sky, I'm not really a party person."

"Oh come on sis, it's fun. Just sleep on it, you know."

She gave me a nod. "Okay, I gotta go."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you." She ended the call. I threw my phone over my shoulder; making it land on my perfectly made bed.

Later that day, I was typing down ideas for my new book. I decided to do the same sex love thing, it was something new for me and maybe new is what I needed. So far I had a few good ideas that Lila need to check over. Let's just say Lila is my co-partner with this and once this thing gets published and money, I'm going to share some profit with her.

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