Divorced ch.29

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Kneeling in front of the dashing and adorable young boy, I made sure he looked presentable and understood what was going on. Aaron was going to visit him today, which I told Mike; but in different terms- such as: "A man is coming to visit us today, he knew your mother really well and soon he will get to know you..."

I tried not to use the term father in it, I didn't want to confuse Mike more than he is now. "Why do I have to get all dressed up? Is he important?" Mike asked while tugging at his button up.

Maybe the button up is a little too much... "Okay, go upstairs and put on another shirt. Your plain blue one." Once I said the magic words, he ran off to change into something looser and relaxing.

I sighed while standing to my full height, as I did so, my knees ached from the movement; proving that it's been years since I've done some squats. Just in time, before I gotten lazy and sat down; a sharp knock on the front door. "Mike, they're here!" I yelled out before putting on a fake smile. "Hello," I opened the door to see Aaron and a older woman in a suit and clipboard in hand. "You must be Miss Flent."

The older woman eyed me up and down before jotting down notes on her clipboard, "Yes, I'm from child protection service."

"Child protection service?" I questioned, mainly on why did they bring someone from the department here.

Miss Flent stared at me while slowly setting her clipboard to her side. The look she was giving me was oddly similar, it was a type of look my mother use to give me when I ask a simple question that I should know an answer to. The look of irritation... "Yes, Miss Mitchell. The judge specifically put me on this case to make sure you two, as guardians giving Mike a stable environment and the care he deserves."

I didn't say anything after that, oddly neither did Aaron. He kept quiet the whole time when he stood on the porch. "Well," I spoke up. "Come in, Mike is upstairs changing his shirt." I stated while stepping to the side so they could walk in.

Aaron only took three steps in, while Miss Flent walked in as if she was paying rent in this bîtch. She walked through the living room, kitchen, and dining area; while taking notes on the scenery. I bothered not to follow her around like a lost puppy, I was more worried about the thuggish man standing in front of me. He was oddly quiet, but I couldn't blame him for being on his best behavior.

We did not acknowledge each other while waiting for Mike or Miss Flent to get done. We stared at each other as if we want to rip each other's head off; in which we do. Soon pitter patter filled the air as Mike ran down the steps with his batsman shirt on instead of his plain blue one. I mentally shrugged my shoulders, as long as he doesn't come down here make or with a drug shirt on, then I'm good.

"Mike," I stepped to his side as soon as his feet touched the floor. "Our guest is here to see you,"

Mike and I shared a glance before he looked towards Aaron, who's features were now tensed as if he was nervous. "Hey," Aaron spoke up, finally. "I'm Aaron," he took a step forward, which caused Mike to step backwards. Aaron noticed the attention and decided to stay where he is for the time being.

Miss Flent joined us near the steps with her clipboard full of notes; hopefully good notes. "Hello Mike," her voice was nowhere near soft.

Mike gave her a simple wave in greeting, "Hi,"

Miss Flent lips went thin from Mike's lack of enthusiasm, if she only knew Mike wasn't the type to jump off the walls every time we have guest. I really don't think any kid would jump off the walls if they see a stranger that's an old mean woman and a buff guy with tattoos on his face... "Well," she started to say. "I'm done here... May I speak to you." It was more like a demand then question.

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