Divorced ch.46

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Here we were, walking inside a building that looked like the ancient Parthenon that held statues of Greek gods and goddesses, art work that became one with the walls, and a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling- able to stay sturdy. I was impressed, shocked, and breathless from the turn out. The theme was summer in Greece, the sun shined through the windows- lighting our way and perfectly reflecting off the fountain with bismuth stones as flooring.

You can tell I was in love with the scenery, from my face and the way I kept snapping pictures from left to right. Aaron laughed at me the whole time, while comparing me to a tourist that never gets out the house. Of course we made fun of the moment, that's all we could do considering I didn't want to come to this wedding. Especially what happened yesterday with Aaron, I wasn't in the mood to go- I wanted to be at home with my boo- but my boo want to attend. So I basically said 'What the hell, I rather go... free cake', the fat girl side of me came out during the decision.

"..Come on, take a selfie with me and Athena." I pulled Aaron by his navy blue suit jacket so he can stand by my side.

He cheesed from ear to ear, eyes squinted and teeth showing. I chuckled before quickly snapping a few pictures of us- however during the process a few individuals watched and stared as if we were having sex in public. I don't understand how people don't stay in their own lane, it's not like we're causing attention by cursing and getting naked; we're just having innocent fun. After taking a few selfies, I finally let Aaron out of my trap- which didn't make any difference since he was still all up on me.

His dark brown eyes wandered the scenery in awe, "This looks very....exquisite." He imitated a French drunk man that was also high on something.

"Oh sweet heart, we gotta work on your accents." I said while trying to keep in my laughs.

Aaron opened his mouth to probably share a witty comment, but closed it immediately when a beautiful someone I have not laid eyes on in a while stepped towards us with a small smile upon her face. Bella struts her way through the crowd, with her head held high and back straight- she was a goddess that was not crafted into clay. Over the time, her short brown hair grew long and her skin became darker traveling.

Ever since Lila's funeral, Bella has not stayed in New York longer than a week. She would occupy herself with different lands and cultures- making documentaries, taking photos and spending time with natives. Her husband, on the other hand, stays in New York for business purposes. However, his absence those not stop her from going out and about.

Bella and I would speak to each other on the phone from time to time, but we never really sat down and talked- mainly because she's busy or I'm going through a crisis.

"Skyler," Bella said my name so smoothly like olive oil sliding down a pan. She wrapped her long arms around and embraced me into a tight hug that surprised me since we've never hugged the lad time we saw each other.

"Bella. How are you?" I asked while slowly pulling away, only because her breast was in my face- smothering me to death.

"Fine. How about you? How's Mike?"

This is primarily based on how our usual conversation would start off; Bella asking me about Mike. I didn't mind her concern, it shows that another person cares about the adorable little boy; probably as much as I do. "Mike is adorable, like always. Turning nine in another week, so that of course is making his head swell."

Bella chuckled lightly before adverting her eyes to the tall handsome man beside me. "Excuse my improper behavior," she said while extending her hand. "Bella, and you are..."

Aaron took her hand in his as a proper greeting, "Aaron.."

"My boyfriend," I added, making Bella's smile turn brighter than usual.

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