Divorced ch.28

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I saw purple- anger and sadness. Angry that she showed up on my doorstep, crying as if that would help and sad that she betrayed me in such a way. I threw the first punch, then the next, and the next. I didn't stop until Charlie's driver dragged me away from my sister and when Mike ran outside with the babysitter behind him,

I probably look deranged and crazy, while beating on my sister in such way. I didn't give two fucks though, what did she expect; go to her with open arms and head her sob stories on why she's here. Fuck that!...

Charlie held Danielle back, or was he a shield for Danielle just in case I attacked again. Either way, he was getting in between us. "Let me go!" I tried to yank myself out of the driver's iron grip, but there was no use.

I thrashed my body around as if a bug was crawling up and down my spine; I didn't have to be outside my body to see I was acting like a child. So, I immediately stopped and catches my breath so I can work things out reasonably. "Take Mike back inside," I ordered to the young lady, who took Mike back inside in a blink of an eye. "I'm okay, you can let me go now," I stated.

However the driver did not loosen his grip, at least until Charlie gave him a simple nod to let me go. I shook the my nerves off before smothering done my wrinkled dress. "I don't want you here," I restrained myself from yelling out.

They all knew who I was speaking to, Charlie still stood in front of her as her shield. Lucky for her, I would of had her eyeballs in my hands by now. Danielle peeked out from under Charlie's arm to see I mean business. I could easily see the fear in her eyes from the dim streetlights. I shook my head, you would think she'll grow some balls when she showed up at my doorstep...


I didn't let her finish, I shot her an icy glare as my hands clenched into fist. "What did you expect? Huh!? That you'll show up, shed some tears and sweet talk your way into my arms. No!... That shit won't happen. I'm not falling for it anymore, you betrayed me and even though I forgive you for some reason; I will never forget." I gave her my spill of thoughts and emotions.

"I-I..." Danielle had nothing to say on the matter as she walked out from her uncle's safe zone. "I'm sorry," she whined out like a child- which she is... a little girl who doesn't know how to grow up, so she whines and cry to the only person she knows that would have her back, but then betray that person by breaking their heart.... Danielle is like a little demon; the type that stays on your back, weakening you until it full on kills you by sucking out your soul.

Maybe I'm going too far.... But still, she's a demon.

I did not comment on her simple apology, instead I made my way inside the townhouse and reaching into my purse to give a girl a fifty dollar bill. "Thank you."

The girl hesitated before taking the money, "Your husband already paid me."

I gagged at the word- husband. I wanted to throw up from the thought of.... and me being.... I can't even think of such a fail thing. "Actually, he's my dad. Also, hypothetically speaking: it may or may not be bribing if one would say take this money so you won't tell your friends it's a crazy lady down the block."

The girl's cheek s turning into a reddish hue from embarrassment to say that Charlie and I are together. "Sorry, and I will keep my mouth shut. I want to babysit Mike again and I don't want to ruin the opportunity to gain enough money to buy myself a car."

"Well, thank you for watching Mike and do you want a ride, I'm pretty sure Charlie's driver could take you home."

The girl shook her head, "No, I'm fine, thank you."

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