Chapter 5

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Kian, Anthony and I were running late for school (we had to stop the car halfway through the journey, since Kian decided to throw a tantrum about wanting to sit shotgun) so we hurried out of the car as soon as we got to school. We all hurried off to our first lessons seeing as we had missed registration: I had French for first and second period, and I walked into the classroom just as the bell rang.

"Just in the nick of time, Alyssa. Take a seat." My teacher briefly directed her attention to me before turning back to the board.

I took out my things for the lesson and soon began taking down the notes that the teacher was writing on the board.

There was a knock on the door, and the school principal walked in followed by a guy, probably a new student. I craned my neck to see his face, and immediately recognised him as Levi from Starbucks.

"We have a new student, Le-" The principal began.

"-LEVI FROM STARBUCKS!" I suddenly yelled, interrupting him. Levi looked up at the sound of my voice, spotting me: he smiled at me and I smiled back.

The principal turned to look at me, "Excuse me, Miss Skerst?"

"Excuse you, Sir." I chirped.

The principal just shook his head and turned back to face the rest of the class. "As I was saying, we have a new student, Levi Corielli." The principal indicated to Levi, " I hope you will all make him feel welcomed."

After having a quick conversation with the teacher, the principal left the room, not before telling me to behave myself though.

"So, Livy, introduce yourself to the class." The teacher suggested.

"What the fuck? This bitch doesn't even know my name," he mumbled under his breath, and I burst out laughing. My laughter became hysterical when Levi started glaring at me, and the entire class started giving me weird looks.

"Thank you, but I'd rather not," Levi smiled crookedly at the teacher.

"If you wish so. You should have someone to show you around to all of your classes, guide you around school, help you settle in, you know? How about Ashley?" The teacher suggested, shrugging.

Levi turned towards Ashley, who was waving to indicate she was the student that the teacher was talking about. I watched him cringe as he took in Ashley's appearance.

He looked around the classroom and his eyes landed on me.

"Actually, Miss..." Levi began, "... I've already met Alyssa, so don't you think it would help me settle in better if I'm with someone I already know?" He grinned.

"Wonderful idea! I'm sure Alyssa won't mind showing you around! Why don't you take a seat next to her?" the teacher pointed to the empty seat beside me.

Levi nodded eagerly (too eagerly if you ask me) and scurried to the seat beside me.

"Sorry, this seat is taken," I announced in monotone.

"There's no one sitting here..." He trailed off, baffled.

"No no trust me Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramírez is sat here! Look!" I told him proudly, pointing to the chair. "He said you're only allowed to sit here on one condition."

He gave me an amused look. "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"You buy me candy. Cause you see, he would ask for some for himself but he's on a diet so he can't really eat any."

"Yeah but I'm already buying you coffee tomorrow" Levi pouted.

Oh right. Tomorrow was Saturday, which meant we would be going out for coffee.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Fine. Whatever."

Throughout most of the lesson, Levi and I had done more talking than work. He had told me a bit about him so I could get to know him better, and I had done the same for him.

We had somehow ended up looking up inappropriate words in the thesaurus. Words such as sexual intercourse.

I pointed to a random kid in the class and bellowed, "Hey you! Yeah, you! Do you want to rumpy pumpy with me?" He just gaped at me, bewildered.

Levi could no longer contain his laughter and was soon on the floor in fits. His laughter was contagious so I was also hysterical within minutes. We lay on the floor clutching our stomachs.

"Alyssa! Levi! This is a French lesson, therefore we speak only in French in this classroom!" The teacher told us off.

Levi stood up, waving his arms frantically and yelling "Miss! Ferma ta putain de gueule! See, I am speaking French!"

Oh my god. He just said shut the fuck up to the teacher in French.

The bell chimed, signaling the end of the lesson, and we ran out of the classroom before she could keep us behind. We laughed all the way to the lunch cafeteria for recess.

We found Kian, Lia and Ethan with a familiar looking girl and guy. Lia waved us over when she spotted us.

Levi and Ethan did a man hug thing as soon as we reached the group, and he did a little head nod to Lia and Kian, and they smiled in return. Ethan introduced Levi to them both, then he turned to me.

"Alyssa, I see you've already met Levi? This is Mila, Levi's twin sister, and this is Wesley, his bestfriend", he said as pointed to each of them in turn.

"Nice to meet you both," I grinned.

Boy, we just got a squad upgrade.

February 16, 2016

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