Chapter 10

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I sat at the back of the history classroom as the teacher left the room to photocopy some homework sheets. Ashley had been staring at me the whole class and immediately took her chance, walking upto me. "Hey can you give me that new hottie's number?" She asked, chewing her gum very loudly with her mouth open.

I looked up. "Who? Levi?"

"Yeah, that one," she clarified.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." I huffed, barely even looking at her. I didn't want to give her Levi's number.

"Why?" She snapped, blowing a balloon.

"Cause he already has a girlfriend." I let out, blurting the first excuse that came to mind.

She scoffed. "Who?"

"Me. And I don't like the idea of other girls texting with my boyfriend." I exclaimed, annoyed.

"Argh. Slut." She muttered.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" I urged.

She smirked tauntingly. "Slut. I bet he's only with you cause you do his homework or something."

I had enough of her and stood up. "Care to say that again?"

She shoved me and began to speak again. "Slu-"

I didn't wait for her to finish and punched her straight in the mouth.

"Level up Alyssa!" A random kid howled.

I grinned. "Wow, that felt good."

My victory barely lasted seconds since she was quick to respond and jumped on me, making me fall to the ground. She began to scratch my face and arms with her false nails. "I bet he'll break up with you before the end of the week!" She screeched.

"At least I can keep a boyfriend for longer than a couple hours!" I responded.

She snarled at me. "I fucked your brother!"

"Oh God! I need to get him checked for any STD's! I swear, if you gave him an STD I will kill you!" I hissed, pinching her arm.

"Your parents are never home! They hate you!" She shrieked.

"It's bed time bitch!" I flipped us over and grabbed her hair. I started slamming her head against the floor over and over again. "Sucks to suck, doesn't it huh? Taste the rainbow motherfucker!" I yelled at her.

"Finish her!" The same kid hollered again.

Just in that moment, the teacher walked back into the room. He dropped his papers and ran to us, his mouth agape.

"Good day, Sir." I smiled at the teacher, still slamming Ashley's head against the floor.

He looked absolutely shocked, but still managed to pry me off Ashley. "To the Principe... Now!"

It was only on the way to the Principle's office that I realized what I'd done. This was my second ever physical fight: the first was when Kian and I first met when we were younger. He had chucked my barbie down 2 floors and I'd tried to push him down after it so he could bring it back to me.

After about 20 minutes of sitting in the Principle's office, Levi strolled in, smirking, and sat beside me. "Hey."

"What on Earth are you doing here?" I asked.

"So you don't want me?" He wiped away a non-existent tear, then carried on. "I heard you were fighting over me, so I thought I'd join you."

"What did you do to get sent out?" I asked again, ignoring his previous statement.

"I punched a random kid to get sent to the Principle, so I could talk to you. I thought you might like some company. Anyway, back to you. Did you get jealous of me or what?" He grinned.

"N- No." I stammered.

"You stuttered," Levi remarked, raising his eyebrows. "Also, you told Ashley that you were my girlfriend? I wouldn't mind that, you know?" He smirked.

"Shut up!" I groaned, covering my now flushed face.

He pulled my hands away from my face, and I winced when he touched a spot on my arm that was bruising.

Levi pulled away immediately. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked, worry evident on his face.

"No, I'm fine. You just touched a bruise that's all. It's not your fault." I shrugged.

He pulled up my sleeve. "Did Ashley do this?"

I nodded. "But to be fair, I did hit her too."

"Wait a second." Levi left the room and came back about five minutes later with an ice pack in his hand. He lifted my arm onto his lap and began to press the ice to my bruise.

I stared at him for a couple moments and he looked up, almost as if he sensed me looking at him. Subconsciously, we both began to lean in when we heard coughing: I looked up to see the Principle glaring at us. "Into my office."

After a long lecture about 'using our words instead of our fists', the Principle called our parents so that they could come and pick us up. My mum had been scolding me the whole car journey and we were currently in the living room.

She turned to me and sighed. "Now you're suspended for three days! You're going to fall behind in lessons!"

"I'm already ahead of everyone else in class so I won't." I explained, slightly annoyed. It wasn't as if I fought every single day of the school year.

"I can't believe you had a fight over a boy! I raised you better than this." Mum fussed, still shocked by the news.

"I didn't fight over a boy; she said things about you and Dad too, and about Anthony. I wasn't just going to stand there and listen to her." I grumbled, sticking up for myself.

Before my mum had a chance to reply, dad strolled into the room with his cup of tea in his hand, and interrupted our conversation. "I don't think you should be hanging around this Levi boy."

I immediately got defensive. "Levi had nothing to do with the fight! He's not a bad kid, you can even ask Anthony, they've met before too."

"Hmm, I'm not too sure... I'd like to meet him myself, just to see for myself. Why don't you ask him and his family over for dinner? Didn't you say they were new in the neighborhood?"

I nodded, and I turned to see mum grinning sheepishly beside me. She whispered loud enough that only me and her could hear. "You like Levi."

"Wh- What?" I acted surprised.

"I can tell."

April 23, 2016

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