Chapter 15

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hey, sorry this is a day late but I got a little caught up in watching Gossip Girl over the weekend (i may or may not have accidentally watched an entire season) and then when I was rushing to finish homework, I forgot about the update

I'm actually sick right now but you don't have to be healthy to write, right? Anyways, thanks to whoever made the banner on the side :)


When we enter the massive building, all I can hear is the sound of Mrs Greengrass sobbing and the music which was quite drowned out by the hysterical woman. I almost wanted to roll my eyes but I knew she was emotional enough as it was. 

I smile as I lead the other bridesmaids and of course, the bride herself. I give Draco a smug smirk before standing off to the side, the other bridesmaids joining me quickly. I don't know if Draco had seen my smirk or not, because his eyes seemed to be glued on the woman in white. 

I couldn't help but feel envy towards her. But I could not feel jealousy, even if I tried, because my own eyes were glued to a certain ginger haired man in the seventh row who was looking right back at me. 

I can't honestly say I remembered much of the actual service of Draco and Astoria's wedding. I was too busy staring at George, as he stared right back at me. I'm not sure why we didn't share any kind of certain look with each other, we didn't even try to smile to each other. I just stared at him. He stared back at me. And the whole situation was so simple that I seen how much I've been making being in a relationship look so much harder for me than it has to be. 

Who says I had to love Draco? Who says I can't be with George now? Who says he's too broken? Who says a Gryffindor can't end up with a Slytherin? 

No one ever did. No one. I made up these lies for myself and I allowed myself to believe in all of them and that was my own downfall. I honestly shouldn't have let myself be so stupid. I kept telling myself these things about George, when really there was no problem with me liking him. In fact, the only thing that's going to stop me from kissing him at the reception is the question of whether or not he likes me. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as George suddenly broke the eye contact and began clapping, along with everyone else. Although slightly confused, I managed to realise that Astoria and Draco were officially married pretty quickly when I seen them kissing. I smile at them, not being able to hold in my happiness for my best friend. He really deserved Astoria and her him. It may have caused a lot of pain but to see him look as happy as he is now, I know that it was worth it. 

Even if my own heart was slightly broken in the middle of it. 

Because I think I have someone to put it back together. 


The reception was in full swing and already one quarter of the guests had drank far past their limit. It was quite funny to watch as Charlie Weasley flirted with a candle at the table, acting as though it were a dragon. How he even managed to get an invite to the reception was beyond me but really anyone could attend these wedding receptions. 

I had yet to find George. I had seen him at the meal but I was stuck on the high table and then we had to do speeches and by the time it was all over, I had completely lost sight of him. I couldn't help but feel my chest shrivel. I know I had been really confident about this earlier but was it really such a good idea now? I mean, I couldn't even find the guy and that's definitely not a good sign. 

I decided maybe it was best if I just let George appear in his own time and I'll decide what I'm going to do from there. 

I walked over to the mini-bar and asked for another butterbeer. I wasn't all that fond of alcohol, especially wizard alcohol. It's hard to handle and it's  kind of like coffee, you either love it or you hate it. In my case, I hated it. 

"Going a bit light on your drinks, don't you think?" The voice of the last person I wanted to talk to rang in my ear. I couldn't help the automatic eye roll as I took a quick gulp of some of the butterbeer. 

"Blaise, what do you want? We don't work together, we're no longer in charge of a wedding together and to be honest, I don't know why you're even talking to me right now," I tell him. He just chuckles as I once again allow an eye roll to speak for me. 

"Iris, the wedding and our career together may be over but that doesn't mean my hobby of torturing you is quite over yet. You know, it used to be about my silly little crush on you at Hogwarts but it really has grown quite fun to watch you roll your eyes and try and not say anything to me. Always the better person, isn't that right Parkinson?" He smirked at me, an evil gleam in his eyes. I squint my eyes as I try to figure out what could be going on in his evil little mind. 

"What's your point, Zabini?" I say in a harsh tone, making sure I come across as nothing less than cold. He knows we're not friends and he also knows that I will not let him toy around and annoy me. 

"Well I was just thinking, it would be fun to mess with you one last time before I give up for good. But I've been trying to think of a way to end it all for a while now. Of course, it wasn't until last night that I realised what would get to you the most. Thanks to Draco, of course," Blaise smirks, opening his jacket slightly to reach into his inside pocket. He brings out a key and smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow, as though it were some kind of joke which it better be. 

"It's for the Leaky Cauldron. Don't get your knickers in a twist, it's not my room key. Go to the Leaky Cauldron if you really want to, you're probably going to be finding out soon anyway. I heard a lot of people know, actually. I'm surprised the news didn't get around to you."

And like he suddenly arrived, Blaise suddenly disappeared too and I was left clueless as to why he had handed me this key and if I should actually find the room it opens. 

The saying curiosity killed the cat is quite a big one in my family. But I'm guessing since my nosy sister Pansy is still alive, I don't have to worry too much about it. And so I followed the key to the room in the Leaky Cauldron. I opened the door carefully, preparing myself for the worst to jump out at me. It was Blaise after all, I had to expect the worse. 

But what I saw was nothing I really could have prepared myself for. And the moment I seen it, I quickly slammed the door shut again. I didn't care if they realised someone had seen them or if they followed me. Rushing out onto the streets, I find myself heading to Hogsmeade. Once I arrive, I shake my head at The Three Broomsticks and instead make my way up the street to the Hogs Head. 

I may not like alcohol but it's great when I want to drink myself under. What might have caused this? Oh, maybe just George Weasley snogging his ex-girlfriend Angelina Johnson.  

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