Chapter 4

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hey guys, so this is my first day of a group thing I'm doing so I have written this ahead of time for you guys and I hope you all enjoy it :)

thanks to _AlligatorSky_ for the banner on the side, it's amazing :)


I liked my new apartment. George wasn't around too much so it was pretty much always empty and there was nothing that I couldn't do that I had done with Draco except for maybe talk to Draco but that was of no fault of the apartments.

The apartment was big, I could go around Diagon Alley whenever I wanted and I could do pretty much anything. It was all great.

Until I realised I rarely talked to anyone anymore. I didn't have many friends other than Draco but he had filled the need for more than one friend over all those years we were in the same Hogwarts house and all the years that we shared an apartment. I had never really required many friends outside of him.

But now with the wedding being so soon him and Astoria needed as much time as they could to plan it and he was doing everything with his best man, Blaise Zambini, which meant that I could hardly ever see him.

What surprised me was that Astoria hardly asked me to do anything even though I was supposed to be Maid of Honour. I guess she kind of regretted not giving it to a closer friend now that I've moved out but I'm sure she has a friend helping her to do everything.

As for George, well he tended to distract himself with work. It's not like we're really friends or anything so I probably shouldn't expect for him to come home early just to talk with me or to eat dinner with me but it would still be nice. I wish I could talk to someone but everyone that there was to talk to had something more important to do.

One morning I found myself waking up to multiple curses coming from the sitting room. I quickly got up to see what was going on, slipping on a pair of slippers and heading into the kitchen/dining room/sitting room area. I seen George pacing around the sitting room, a letter in his hand. I looked to him curiously as he continued to pace, not noticing me.

Eventually he lifted his head to see me standing there and jumped in shock. His hand went over his heart as he took a steady breathe, trying to get it beating normally again.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as he continued to look over the letter after calming himself down again. He just looks back up to me, biting his lip as he looks at the letter. "George?"

"Sorry, there's just a problem with the business and the house and everything," George told me, shaking his head. I kind of got worried when he mentioned the house. I was trying to think of whether he would be getting much money from his shop to even pay his part of the bill here. I mean, it could be quite expensive to pay for the shop on it's own and sales were steady but then again, they might not be bringing in enough.

"Do you need some help with something? Do you want to talk about it or...?" I trailed off, not sure whether or not this was really my business. I would hope he would tell me if I was being nosy but I really doubt he would. George is pretty sad all the time but he's rarely rude and if he is, he really doesn't intend it.

"I just need to figure out a way to increase my sales a bit. If I don't start selling more I'm not going to be able to pay for next months sales. I just need a way of getting a little more galleons in than usual and I should be fine then," he informed me. I nodded and held out my hand, motioning for him to give over the paper. He did so, looking to me curiously.

"Your problem with sales is that you're just selling the same stuff that every other joke shop sells. Which isn't too much of a problem but at the end of the day, you have a bigger shop that all the rest which means your products are going to be slightly more expensive and kids with only a few galleons notice that. What I think you should do is start creating your own stuff again," I told him as my eyes skimmed over the numbers on the sheet. He wouldn't be missing too much next month but even a small amount can make a massive dent as it begins to pile up.

Hope is a Four Letter Word {George Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now